Search Results for : sleep pattern
Awareness Health

The Side Effects of Caffeine Consumption on Physical and Mental Health

Caffeine is a stimulant naturally present in beverages such as cocoa, coffee, tea, cola, etc. More than 400 mg of caffeine is found to be dangerous according to research studies. It is known to keep people awake and alert by

Health News

How to differentiate between anxiety and depression can we understand our emotions?

Depression and anxiety are generally known as common mental disorders. People are generally confused that both depression and anxiety are similar, as it shares some symptoms same. But mental health professionals clearly say “It is not true, Depression and anxiety

Health News

Why Are the Certain Mental Disorders Frequently Undiagnosed?

Mental health problems are on the rise all over the world, yet many of them go unnoticed because of the stigma attached to them. While it is simple to discuss physical health, people are afraid to discuss mental health since

Awareness Health News

Psychedelics: Proved As a Mental Health Treatment

Mexican Psilocybe Cubensis is a psychedelic mushroom species that contains the active ingredients psilocybin and psilocin. The spores of an adult mushroom. the color combination of red and blue vertical placement. Since the 1960s, when they were utilized as a

Awareness Health

Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

Overview: Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease and an irreversible brain condition. Experiencing the loss of memory and confusion are the two most typical symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. This disease progresses slowly and negatively impacts our memory and thinking processes, in

Health News

Linking Mental Health with Blood Pressure Variability (BPV)

According to new research, both the heart and the mind are involved when patients suffer from mental illness. Our hearts’ ability to adjust to environmental stimuli is the connection between them. This connection is broken in patients with poor mental

Health News

Microaggressions and Their Health Impacts

Microaggressions might be the consequence of intentional bias, but they can also reflect hidden biases. A person may deliver a microaggression without realising that their words or actions convey a discriminating viewpoint. According to new research, this covert type of

Awareness Health News

Domestic violence puts children’s mental health at risk

When your parents fight, it’s painful enough, but a new study suggests that trauma can increase your chances of depression and other mental health issues. More than 17,700 Canadian people took part in a national survey on mental health for

Awareness Social

How to be Happy? Here are some recommendations

Increasing happiness may appear to be a difficult endeavour, yet a simple activity can have a significant impact on our mood. It’s not always easy to figure out what makes us happy, especially if we haven’t been feeling good for


Depression and Bipolar Disorder can now be detected by a blood test?

In 2017, one in every seven Indians suffered from a mental condition of different severity. Since 1990, the proportionate contribution of mental diseases to the total disease burden in India has nearly doubled. There are significant differences across states in