Search Results for : sleep pattern

Resilience: It helps to develop inner strength

The concept of Resilience in the field of psychology is a fascinating concept that explores one’s ability to fight against adversity. It makes to accept the challenges and thrive in the time of adversity. It explores how one can develop


The Art of Simplifying Your Life

The avalanche of wants, luxuries, and desires keeps us trapped in the realm of the material world where we jump from the fulfilment of one to the other without finding satisfaction in anything. The truth is that unless we learn


Are Creative People Prone to Suffer from Mental Disorders?

Introduction to Creativity and Mental disorder We are aware of the benefits of expressive art therapy. For individuals with mental diseases including depression, autism, and cognitive impairment. It doesn’t just work for people with some kind of psychological illness. It

Crime Social

Are you Being Watched?

Have you ever felt like someone was constantly watching you? Or that someone has been following you for a while? Is there anyone who seems to always be around wherever you go? Although it may not always be the case,


Has Covid-19 Pandemic Activated Our Attachment Wounds? THIS IS HOW YOU COMBAT.

Ever since the pandemic has started, our lives have turned upside down. Our routine has changed, people are struggling with sleep, waking up with nightmares and experiencing a range of mental health problems, which brings into question, has this pandemic


BPD v/s Emotionally Sensitive

Due to the readily available knowledge at their fingertips, a rising number of people mistakenly classify themselves or others as having different mental conditions. BPD and Emotionally Sensitive is no exception. People who are not qualified medical professionals sometimes mistakenly

Self Help

Transcending the Trauma: Post-traumatic Stress to Post traumatic Growth

“An abnormal reaction to an abnormal situation is normal.” –Victor Frankl Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychological condition which emerges following the exposure of a traumatic event, which may be actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence.


Poor Grades and Lower Attendance Due to Early Morning University Classes: Study

To perform effectively in academics, adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining academic performance, regularity in attending classes, and motivation to learn. The consistency in classes and interaction with peers and professors enhance the journey to understanding and learning. However, inadequate


The Toll of Online Connectivity

Have you been feeling irritated about being unable to keep your hands off the smartphone and computer? Or from being seen online and having to interact on social media platforms? The irritation may be owing to the fact that the

Awareness Health

Do you know what actually bipolar disorder is?

Think about having a shift in mood from extremely high to grief suddenly. Recently an individual who was suffering from bipolar disorder talked about what it actually looks like. Due to the erroneous representation of this mood disorder in movies