Search Results for : Mindfulness meditation

What is Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy?

Psychological interventions have evolved along with the field of psychology. Today, various branches of psychology offer various theories and perspectives that aid human beings in dealing with their mental health issues. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (MBCT) is a holistic approach


Mindfulness: A Key to Unlocking Life Amidst Tough Times

“MIND IS LIKE WATER WHEN IT TURBULENT, IT IS DIFFICULT TO SEE, WHEN IT BECOMES CALM, EVERYTHING BECOMES CLEAR.” A Call to Action If we look at the turbulent times of today we find ourselves engulfed within a wave of


How Is AI Helping In Mindfulness?

In the fast-paced world full of technology where we are surrounded by changing techs and machines, it is hard to separate us from this distraction and achieve peace of mind. Mindfulness is an old technique that has been practiced throughout


Study Finds: Mindfulness Overcomes Fear of Information

Mindfulness is like a superpower. It helps us focus on what’s happening right now and accept it without getting upset or worried. It means paying close attention to our thoughts, feelings, and what our body is telling us.  A recent

Education Health

Mindfulness Proved More Efficient Than Anxiety Medication: Study

People may face a general fear of dogs, insects, interviews, etc. However, if this fear is overwhelming to an extent that it hampers our day-to-day life causing serious problems in our social interactions and physical health then it can be


Mindfulness and Resilience

The words “mindfulness” and “(tranquillity) meditation” are often used interchangeably. In essence, tranquillity meditation means “focusing continuously on the body,” i.e., not pursuing our usual thoughts and not relating to the external world. It primarily emphasizes sustained attention to the

Awareness Health Positive

Mindfulness: A Better Understanding of Oneself

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we are doing, and not overreact or be overwhelmed by what is happening around us. Mindfulness is a quality that every human being

Health News

What Is R.A.I.N Meditation, Know About the Concept and Its Benefits

Meditation: Meditation can be defined as a set of techniques whose main focus is to increase one’s self-awareness, attention, and concentration and provide mindfulness to the individual. Meditating on a regular basis is not only beneficial for physical well-being but


Mindfulness: A road towards a healthy mind!

“Thoughts don’t matter but your response to them does.” –Adrian Wells Globalization has transformed the overall scenario of India where the growth of digital communication and mass media has promoted the economic status of India along with many disappointments. Among

Self Help


As Dr. Daniel J. Siegel’s says “The power of awareness changes our well-being”, that is, being mindful and being aware is important to a person, has an effect on the person’s life and it plays a major role in determining