Search Results for : anxiety
Awareness Positive Self Help

2 step solution: An effective way to combat COVID-19

Given the scenario amid on-going pandemic, it is natural for people to experience stress, anxiety, apprehension and uncertainty. However with prolonged stress and anxiety people may begin to experience negative health outcomes. An individual may suffer from existential crisis as


How To Cope With Covid-19 Situation?

Being stuck at home might be normal and completely alright  with some individuals, but not for all. Due to the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the entire nation is under a lockdown, as there is no certainty as to


Why Do We Often Indulge In Binge Watching?

It is not something that we have not done. In today’s world one of the biggest sources of entertainment is through watching online series and movies. We all have our favourite shows that we might have completed but still feel

Awareness Health

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted mental health?

The Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has taken the world by storm. With its first human case reported by officials in Wuhan city, China in December 2019, it has now emerged as a global health crisis. With the number of positive cases

Awareness Motivation Self Help

What is motivation? How can we keep ourselves motivated?

” Continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them ” In life at many times we feel unhappy, feel ourselves to be unproductive due to setbacks. We feel ourselves to be less motivated and didn’t feel

Awareness Health News Positive

Covid-19: Effects On Pregnant Women And Unborn Child

Pandemic situation of Covid-19 has created a disturbance all over the world. It has created an immense level of panic in the people that gave rise to fear, anxiety, tension, and other health problems. There has been no proper schedule,

Relationship Self Help

How Does Your Attachment Style Affect Your Relationship?

Attachment is a deep emotional bond that connects two people. John Bowlby, the father of the attachment theory, said that attachment aids in survival because making strong emotional bonds is an important part of human nature. Human beings form their


Occupational Burnout: Is Your Job Becoming Detrimental To Your Well- Being?

Consider this: When you go to work you spend a huge chunk of your time on tasks that you either find overwhelming or too dull and you are unable to concentrate. You sit at your desk and think to yourself


Why There Is Romanticizing of Mental Disorders?

People have misunderstood and greatly stigmatised mental illnesses for a very long time. People have had mental health issues for long but awareness about the same has always been very superficial. In the beginning, it was the lack of recognition of the symptoms, and then the notion that it’s not normal. This


Why do we rely on online apps to seek love?

It is not a new trend that has established. There has been a considerable amount of time and experiences. Virtual world has opened so many new doors that have been taking humans to different roads of experiences and perceptions. Online