Search Results for : productivity

Doom scrolling – can’t keep your eyes off bad news? Tips to break the pattern

Doomscrolling is the urge to keep surfing or scrolling through unpleasant news, even when it is saddening, demoralizing, or depressing. It’s a behavior that many people have developed as a result of the pandemic and something which is likely to


Has Covid-19 Pandemic Activated Our Attachment Wounds? THIS IS HOW YOU COMBAT.

Ever since the pandemic has started, our lives have turned upside down. Our routine has changed, people are struggling with sleep, waking up with nightmares and experiencing a range of mental health problems, which brings into question, has this pandemic

Self Help

It’s about Time!! Exploring the Perilous Path of Procrastination

Procrastination, now a ubiquitous phenomenon, has been defined as the voluntary delay of an important task that we intend to do, all the while knowing that the delay will cause difficulties for us. Some potential signs of procrastination include filling


Mental Health Help in India Is Not as Accessible as It Seems

In 2017, the Indian government introduced the Mental Healthcare Act intending to make mental health services accessible to all of its citizens. The government brought this act so that every individual would be able to practice their right to get

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Mental Wellbeing of Malaysians: Covid 19, The 15th General Election Aftermath, Floods and Landslide

The last few years for Malaysians have been demanding. First with the Covid-19 pandemic, then the thrill ride of the 15th General Election along with its aftermath, nationwide floods, and the landslide in Batang Kali Pahang, which claimed 31 lives.

Self Help

Enclothed Cognition: Dress well to feel well

Ensembles came into existence with a purpose of providing our body protection from the adversity of the environment. With the onset of contemporary times, Fashion trends of our attires became a statement of our style but recently psychologists had proved


Hobbies Taking care of mental health every day!

The very basic question that every child has faced is to tell about his/her hobbies. Without even realizing its importance we have been answering those questions and asked the same question to children when we became adults. We can’t deny


Budget 2023 and the Future of Mental Health in India

The Union budget is a national phenomenon and is really important for the nation. Currently, our mental healthcare industry receives 1.4% of the total budget, around 670 crores. Out of this total, 630 crores are left to the National Institute

Health News

The Text Neck: A Cause for Cervical Pain and Irritability Among Youngsters

  A significant increase has been observed in screen time post pandemic on laptops and smartphones. From school going children and teenagers to young and middle-aged adults, people are spending long hours on screens for classes, meetings and work schedules. 

Health News

The first tool to measure your work stress developed by NIMHANS

The National Institute of Mental Health and Neurological Sciences (NIMHANS) has developed TAWS-16, a tool to measure the work stress of employees of companies of different sectors. Stress has become a major cause of disruption in companies. There is a