Search Results for : relationship

Why Do We Often Indulge In Binge Watching?

It is not something that we have not done. In today’s world one of the biggest sources of entertainment is through watching online series and movies. We all have our favourite shows that we might have completed but still feel

Awareness Health

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted mental health?

The Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has taken the world by storm. With its first human case reported by officials in Wuhan city, China in December 2019, it has now emerged as a global health crisis. With the number of positive cases


What Relation Does Humans And Animals Share?

Just like humans, there are other creatures that live on the planet earth. Not all of them come in contact with humans but still they do exist and yes they are animals. Human-Animal Connection and Abuse have a relationship that


Why do we fear to express ourselves?

Expressing your emotions doesn’t make you a weak person. This era is the modern era where life is fast and tough. It depends upon an individual whether or not he desires to struggle with happiness. The one with a positive


Occupational Burnout: Is Your Job Becoming Detrimental To Your Well- Being?

Consider this: When you go to work you spend a huge chunk of your time on tasks that you either find overwhelming or too dull and you are unable to concentrate. You sit at your desk and think to yourself


Why do we rely on online apps to seek love?

It is not a new trend that has established. There has been a considerable amount of time and experiences. Virtual world has opened so many new doors that have been taking humans to different roads of experiences and perceptions. Online

Awareness Technology

How safe is playing PUBG for your Mental Health?

In a study done for 4-years, researchers found that adolescents/adults who play video games that involve high risk-taking and violence are more likely to get engaged in violent activities and risky behaviour. They also exhibit a low score on anger

Awareness Self Help

Attitude: What is the way of living in the world?

We humans, we live on the planet of Earth which has various characteristics which made life possible and sustainable for the living beings. In this world there are organisms that are living and have distinction on the bias of their

Awareness Crime Health

TRAUMA : How it affects our Mind?

Questions which cross our mind when we talk about Trauma involve, What is Trauma? What can a traumatic event do to the victim? How does it affect the victim’s life? What are its symptoms? And how to recover from it?


What could possibly be the Impact and Benefits of Mindfulness on Anxiety and Daily life?

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”