Search Results for : thought


1. The rain falls and I feel something is trying to break free inside me. I run out and stand there still. People look at me and think it’s the same old urge to wet our hearts in rain But


7 Khoon Maaf: Through a Psychodynamic lens

There is a death instinct within the sexual instinct. Sabina Spielrien 7 khoon maaf is a dark, wickedly humorous macabre tale about a tragic woman named Susanna and her quest for love. From Vishal Bharadwaj – Ruskin Bond duo that


Survivors’ near-miss experiences on 9/11 linked to post-traumatic stress

“There is a misfortunate to being a fortunate”, says the associate professor of psychology and author of the paper published in the Journal Social Psychology and personality sciences. Near miss experiences—narrowly avoiding a traumatic event—are associated with distress, despite signaling



A boy and his father get into a car accident and are rushed to the hospital. The father dies on the way and the son is in a critical condition. His surgeon walks into the operating room and exclaims, “I


Is love an addiction

Recently came out a much talked movie, and after watching it, one question surely popped, ‘Can you be addicted to a person like drugs? Is this love or is love an addiction’, I felt that movie was an example of

Self Help

Do you nourish yourself or punish?

The answer to this question lies in our behaviour and habits, how we treat ourselves especially when we are down, and how we let others treat us. For many of us, the truth is that we punish ourselves more frequently


Positive communication style between parents and children

Effective communication begins with listening: – Robert Galety Parents are the first caregiver and love their children unconditionally. It’s joyful to see their children grow and develop into a good being. It is very important for parents to have healthy


10 Ways to Live a Happy Relationship and deal with problems in your relationship

Many believe, that past relationships are a sign of failure or time they wasted with the wrong person. Broken relationships do leave us with feelings of sorrow, uncertainty, and guilt but there is a lot of wisdom we can take


Quo Vadis with your Smartphone

When was the last time you checked your phone? Bill Duane, a Google executive said “It’s like a magnet draws your hand toward your pocket as if spending 40 seconds without your thoughts is impossible” What is it about a


Importance of self love and how to cultivate it ….

Self-love, everyone heard this word at one point in their life. For some people, self-love may sound a bed of roses rather than a necessity. We as individuals engage in lot of work day and night and take little or