Search Results for : thought

The Power of your Mind

“The sign of intelligence is the ability to carry opposed thoughts at the same time.” : F Scott Fitzgerald This article is inspired by a story I read. The story was based on the research done Masaru Emoto, the author


Listen, Inquire, And Respond: 3 Steps for Better Life Management

This post is about a lot of things. When we say life management, what does this word ‘life’ include? It includes all are systems – at micro level as well as macro-level and even beyond. From our ‘self’ to our


Coping with dissociative identity disorder

How is it really like to live with dissociative personality disorders. Mr A[1] says, “It frustrates me when people try to tell me my alters aren’t real. Even if they’re just trying to make me feel better, I end up


Dissociative Identity Disorder in Children

Reena was 6 years old the first time she came to therapy. Her father and stepmother thought she should see a therapist because Reena had recently begun complaining about nightmares and severe body pain (with no physical injury) and had


Is cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT) effective for the treatment of Dissociative identity disorder(DID)???

Dissociative identity disorder is a mental disease that involves disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity, and perception”. DSM-5 has defines DID as “a disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states or an experience of possession

Self Help

Me and My Creative space in the quarantine space

ME AND MY CREATIVE SPACE IN THE QUARANTINE TIME “Change is the only static concept to make us do what we keep aside for a long time” Who could have thought that a minute virus which is hard to see

Self Help

Quarantine: The Good and The Bad

Holidays, relaxation, food, less work, fewer worries, less morning routines, etc… these were some of the wishes that we yearned for before lockdown. Work from home was the biggest desire that everyone longed for. Sleep eat and repeat was something that


Grief And Anxiety In Times Of Covid-19

Where we are right now is a waiting room of some kind…with the lockdown and isolation that we are going through in the wake of the COVID-19, we are experiencing the loss of an old life, however, we are not



A psychological perspective on the impact of social distancing and the ways to cope with it This article is being written to address the current situation across the globe regarding social distancing due to the ‘Coronavirus Pandemic’. It has almost


Bollywood- A Real World for the Youth?

What appears fascinating to us is a preplanned scripted life, We are putting at risk is a life we ought to live! Most choose the former and fall prey. Bollywood– a dream industry for everyone. Even the youngest fascinate to