Search Results for : therapy

Hundreds of Mental Health Professionals are being hired by Michigan Schools.

The University of Michigan School of Information (UMSI) connects people, information, and technology via creative, beautiful, and ethical solutions. The school was one of the nation’s original iSchools and is the leading research and development centre for improving human-computer interactions.


LGBTQ+ community members suffer mental health concerns in society.

LGBTQ+ full form means lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and + means Pansexual, Agender, Bigender, Gender Variant, Pangender. The initialism, as well as several of its popular forms, has been in use since the 1990s as an umbrella word encompassing


On Being Sane in Insane places

A very interesting experiment was done by Dr. David Rosenhan, which still, after all these years,  has its impact on how we perceive psychiatry and mental institutions. Rosenhan, in his 9 pages long paper in Science (1973) started by stating,


Why Generation Gap conflict Does Neighborhood Influence Epilepsy Being A Man Too Groove Your Way to Charisma: The power to Imposter Syndrome and Student-Athlete The Psychology of Sleep: E-Health: Use of Technology Sensitive Behavior and its Mental Health Benefits of


Mental Health of Elderly Population

In India, the philosophy from our scriptures shows that respecting elders is not because of their age but for the wisdom that they embody. We bend our heads, kneel before them for the knowledge that will be shared with us



Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) awareness month is celebrated in the month of September in order to spread awareness about the disorders, their associated taboo, and stigma. PCOS is very prevalent in today’s generation of ladies, characterized by conditions occurring due


Life with Autism

Imagine a day in life when everything seems so hazy, meeting people becomesso weird that when they joke around you, and there are you, unable to make it out what itmeans and everything becomes so slow and dumb. Unfortunately, it


Students dying of suicide due to pressure of NEET Exam

The National Entrance cum Eligibility Test (NEET) is an entrance examination for all medical aspirants who wish to pursue courses related to the medical field like MBBS, BDS, etc. However, this year Tamil Nadu launched the Anti-NEET bill stating that



A 16 years old Ishaan Singh developed a Chatbot named InayaConnect to address mental health issues arising from COVID19. A Chatbot is a Computer-Assisted program that is designed to encourage conversation with human users on the internet through the use


Music And Depression

Depression and suicide are important issues in the twenty-first century. According to the World Health Organization, over 800,000 individuals die by suicide each year, with the 15-29 age group being disproportionately impacted. Surprisingly, music appears to play the most essential