Search Results for : therapy

Everything you should know about Bowenian Family Therapy

Murray Bowen, M.D. a pioneer psychiatrist who worked for the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) developed the Bowenian family therapy. Bowen believed that there are two fundamental forces, togetherness and individuality, in families. When these forces are out of balance,


Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy is a new, structured treatment approach for people diagnosed with mood disorders, focusing particularly on bipolar disorder. In designing ISRT, Dr Ellen Frank and colleagues take aspects of interpersonal therapy combined with stabilizing daily routines


What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-i)?

Insomnia is one of the most common types of sleep disorders, which is characterised by difficulty falling, sleep difficulties in the quality of sleep, waking up too early, and then difficulty falling back asleep. Insomnia is one of the most


How do I know I need Therapy?: Psychologist Speaks

Remember the recent interview with Ranbir Kapoor regarding his idea of therapy? It didn’t help him, and he was vocal about it (let us forget about it being problematic or not for the sake of this article). But does therapy

Education Health

AI in Therapy: Complement or Competition for Human Counselors?

Are you frustrated over a small issue at 2:00 AM? And do you want to talk about it with a therapist immediately? AI chatbots come to the rescue for in-the-moment mental health support.  Global Mental Health at a Glance A


The First Step: 6 Things to Know Going Into Your First Therapy Appointment

Therapy is often a powerful, liberating experience for those who can embrace the process. But getting therapy for the first time can be uncomfortable or even quite confronting. All mental health professionals, from seasoned counsellors to those studying a Master


Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Phobias

Phobias are one of the most common mental disorders in India. The specific phobias can include fear of things or situations such as heights, enclosed, spaces, and social situations. This affects almost 4.2% of people in India. This may seem


What to do When your Teen doesn’t want Therapy

The concept of therapy is a fast growing one in today’s world. The world is changing as a result of this new thought and these fresh perspectives on mental health issues. Change is quite scary. In today’s world, mental health

Self Help Therapy

How do you know if therapy is working?

Taking therapy is appreciable, it helps you to know yourselves helps to dig into your inner thoughts and feelings and also helps to know your strengths and weaknesses. It also requires your side’s support to make changes and self-development. Unlike


Maximizing Your Therapy Experience: A Quick Guide

Admitting that you need help needs a lot of vulnerability and courage. People are often sceptical about the success rate of therapy and feelings of hyper-independence, fear of judgment and ridicule keep people from considering therapy or even acknowledging their