Dave Alan Kopec, a specialist in the field and professor at the New School of Architecture and Design in San Diego defined psychology of space as “the psychology of space is the study of human relations and behaviors within the context of the built and natural environments.” According to him, it influences our different cognitive and emotional aspects like our perceptions and emotions by putting the direct impact on our subconscious through the special part of the brain which responds to the space perception. Interior designs have shown the inherent part in the people’s psychology. Irving Weiner, AIA, an environmental psychology professor at Massasoit Community College, states that “some of these environmental influences we cannot see/touch, still they have a direct impact on our mood as well as behavior.” Some of the factors like safety, social cohesiveness, and sensory stimulation which if strongly taken into consideration during interior designing, result in balance, proportion, symmetry, and rhythm introducing a sense of harmony. Colors also play an important role in the psychology of space as the warmer the color is, the more compact the space becomes. It can stimulate communication and can also evoke the feeling of comfort. Also in the same way light also plays an important role in it as natural light can be reason for production and can stimulate recovery from its energy. Going through unfolding the negative side, spaces added up to the anxiety and other negative outcomes as well. So, it is better to keep the interior designing positive and in good direction to keep the environment positive and free for energy to flow.
Interior designing as psychology of space
- by Psychologs Magazine
- March 21, 2020
- 1 minute read
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