Rima Barua Chowdhury

Rima Barua Chowdhury

working professional
  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
    2nd Badge: 1001 Points
    3rd Badge: 10001 Points
    4th Badge: 25001 Points
    5th Badge: 75001 Points
    Points are based on the number of readings, shares, and comments.

Hi, My name is Rima Barua Chowdhury. Apart from pursuing the course of my life, I have a bent towards writing. That is more related to psychological studies and issues in which I hold particular interest and where I want to become a voracious reader and as well as a writer so that I can contribute more of my writings to platforms like this of similar interest. And as in I believe, this is a whole new world that excites me to the core and gives wings to my creative goals. And last but not least, I want to have an understanding of human emotions and want to express it through my writings.


    Why Is It Important To Not Hold On To The Past?

    Is it so necessary to hold onto your past? Why are certain things in life so important that we still

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    Awareness Self Help

    Tool for happiness: Self-Care & Self-Love

     “Why are you so negative of yourself?”, “Why don’t you value yourself?”. We usually reply with an affirmation, “Yes!! Of

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    Positive Self Help

    What is the significance of meditation in our life?

    Meditation is a popular term used since ancient history among many religions. The aim of meditation previously was to connect

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    Awareness Positive Self Help

    What is the power of saying NO in life?

    Many a times we find it hard to say no to people on their faces. We feel that it is

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    Awareness Positive Self Help

    Are We Passionate To Live Life To The Fullest?

    When we talk of passion, at times it sounds so much critical, dull, and boring. Have you ever tried to

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    Awareness Positive Self Help

    What is the reality behind jealousy and how to address it?

    How many of you have been in this kind of situation? You felt jealous when you saw your best friend

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    Awareness Positive Self Help

    insights of self-help : Nourish to Flourish.

    Human lives are also similar to the lives of plants. It needs constant nurturing to reap the maximum possible benefits.

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    Awareness Positive Self Help

    Does Self-Belief Unlock The Wide Range Of Potential Within You? How?

    The life that we have is full of difficulties and challenges. And amidst those challenges, we hold our little world

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    How to make a child feel safe & secure

    The word parent not only comes with giving birth to a child but also nurtures that child and raises him

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    Positive Self Help

    What Is The Key To Success?

    When you compare your life with other people, have you stopped and wondered what made them more successful than you?

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