Psychologs Magazine


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Psychologs is a magazine that aims to provide insightful and informative articles on various aspects of Mental Health and Psychology. The magazine is designed to appeal to both professionals in the field of psychology as well as the general public who are interested in understanding human behavior and Psychological Issues.


Alzheimer’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Signs and Treatment

Alzheimer’s Disease The psychological process of encoding, storing, and retrieving information is referred to as memory. Human memory is divided

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Awareness Health

Bipolar Disorder: Mania & Hypomania

Bipolar disorder is classified as a mental health condition in which the person is experiencing manic and depressive episodes together.

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Conduct Disorder: Signs and Diagnosis

Children and teenagers with conduct disorder (CD) suffer from a mental health illness marked by a persistent pattern of aggressive

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Awareness Health

Understanding Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal Psychology is a specialized branch of psychology, which is concerned with abnormal behavior and psychopathology in the clinical context.

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Health News Research

Research: Nighttime Smartphone Use Does Major Effects On Young Adults’ Mental Health

Mental health issues are well-acknowledged as a primary cause of disease, and a significant number of adults suffer from them.

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How to Speak so that People Will Listen: Psychology Behind Communication

Building strong relationships, achieving goals both personally and professionally, and fostering a feeling of community all depend on effective communication.

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How to Promote Mental Health among Employees?

Employers need to be knowledgeable about ways to enhance mental health in the workplace since there is evidence to suggest

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Awareness Health News

Know What Is Nyctophobia, How It Is Affecting the Mental Health of Adolescents

NYCTOPHOBIA Nycto – Night; Phobia- fear. As the name indicates, fear of dark or night is called Nyctophobia. Specifically, phobia

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Psychology behind Productivity

Man has a natural tendency to be lazy when it comes to work and more often than not, it is

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Exploring the Many Facets of Intelligence in Children

When we talk about how kids learn and grow, intelligence is a big part of it. It’s not just about

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