Understanding and Managing Overstimulation in Children

Understanding and Managing Overstimulation in Children


If you are a first-time parent, it might be difficult to figure out how to go about raising your child. You are surrounded by so many opinions and pieces of advice. These might confuse you to the point where you don’t know which ones are truly helpful. Adding the pressure of taking care of a child to this pre-existing stress, you might desperately feel the need to find some time for yourself. Trying to keep these children engaged, parents often unknowingly expose them to overstimulation, creating negative impacts on their growth. This article aims to educate you about overstimulation so you find the right balance of stimulus to keep your child healthy and engaged.

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Is your Child Overstimulated?

Let’s start by understanding what this really means. Overstimulation is the body’s response to being exposed to excess stimuli. Children have a certain threshold for stimulating activities. When it crosses the line, children are quite overwhelmed. It is very common to have an overstimulated child in your hands. Many children between the ages of 2 weeks to 3-4 months are subjected to overstimulation. However, it is not limited to this age group. Remember that the cause of overstimulation does not have to be limited to visual or auditory stimuli, but it can be caused by any sensation or even a mix of more than one of them.

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An overstimulated baby can be cranky and harder for parents to handle. Behaviour varies from child to child, but there are some common giveaways that let you identify overstimulation. In these cases, children cry more often and louder. Older children are unable to express why they are crying. They can be irritable or even scared. A child might withdraw from touch or crave more. They are likely to fidget a lot and be more tired. An overstimulated child can be seen to be engaging in soothing activities such as sucking their thumb. Children might throw temper tantrums, act out, or refuse to listen to anything you have to say.

What Causes Overstimulation in a Child?

If you’ve observed the above symptoms in your child, it might be helpful to trace them back to understand what might have caused your child to be overstimulated.

  1. Excessive Screen Time: This is the most common cause of overstimulation today. When parents do not have the energy to keep up with their children, they might choose to keep them engaged with electronics. The IAP (Indian Academy of Pediatrics) screen time guidelines 2021 mention that parents shouldn’t use screen time as a means to calm an uncomfortable child.
  2. Too Much Activity: This is a way for children to overwhelm themselves. When they engage in a lot of activities, they encounter more sensory stimuli. This is why playdates can often cause your child to have a meltdown.
  3. Lack of Sleep: When a child doesn’t get enough sleep, they can easily get tired. This makes them more vulnerable to overstimulation as any stimulus is now magnified and drains them out even more.
  4. Environment: Children actively engage with all environmental factors. This means that they can be affected by the presence of too many people, too many colours, constant noises, or even bright light.
  5. Medical Conditions: The state of your child’s well-being also dictates their engagement with stimuli. An autistic child is much more sensitive to their environment, making them more vulnerable to overstimulation. The same can also be observed in children with ADHD.

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Effects of Overstimulation on Children:

A survey was conducted in JK Lone Hospital, Jaipur by physicians on a sample population of 203 children to study the impact of the lockdown on them. During the COVID-19 pandemic, screen time increased by 2 to 3 times, and a decline was observed in physical activity. It mentioned that 70.7% of students who showed higher screen time during lockdown exhibited behavioural problems. These children also exhibited reduced attention spans. These are just some of the many negative impacts that over-exposure to screen time had on these children.

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Overstimulated children are mentally exhausted, which in turn reduces their mental capacities. They cannot stand to be left alone. They struggle to overcome boredom and continuously try to engage in some activity or the other. These children show an increase in aggressiveness. They
struggle to enjoy neutral stimuli like nature walks. They need to be exposed to fast-paced stimuli at all times. Overstimulation can also block creativity. It can also lead to stress, anxiety or burnout as children grow. These children might also have negative experiences when exposed to positive stimuli as well.

How Can You Help Your Overstimulated Child?

As a parent, it is important that you closely monitor the amount of stimulation your child is being exposed to. It’s the simple steps that will make a difference. Speak softly around your child. Create time for them to nap. Avoid exposing them to excessive screen time and make sure what they watch is not overly stimulating. With time, reduce the amount of screen time they get. Do not give into their tantrums- it is for their own good. It’s okay for them to be bored. It isn’t necessary that you continuously keep them engaged in something.

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However, make sure you are giving your child room to grow. Avoid making every decision on their behalf. It’s important that you find a balance. If you recognize that overstimulation is being caused by a particular kind of stimulus, try to shift their attention to some other kind that they aren’t usually exposed to. Find the right mixture of activity and downtime for your child. Do not underestimate the effects of quiet time- it is necessary for a child to get rest in addition to their naps. As you work towards helping your child deal with overstimulation, try to figure out your child’s unique tolerance. Knowing this will help you plan activities around it.

Summing up

While overstimulation is a concern, do not forget that exposure to a stimulus is necessary for a child’s growth. If your child doesn’t get enough exposure to stimuli, it might hinder their learning. This is exactly why finding a balance is so important. There is no prescribed balance since every child is unique. As a parent, you are responsible for figuring out what works for your child. To do this, you’ll have to let your child guide you. Don’t always take the responsibility to plan out their activities. Let them explore their surroundings as well. In case you find that your child is constantly overstimulated to the point that it hinders their lifestyle, seek guidance from a healthcare provider. They will be able to advise you on how to move forward.

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