The Psychology of Resilience

The Psychology of Resilience

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Resilience is the process of adaptively overcoming life’s adversity while maintaining normal psychological and physiological functioning. Being resilient means having the capacity to overcome the challenges of life and bounce back at least as effectively as before.

People who are resilient typically have lower stress and anxiety levels as well as better emotional health. Resilience is a key psychological trait for overcoming obstacles, enhancing mental health and subjective well-being, thus leading to a more fulfilling life.

What does a resilient person look like?
  • Even in the face of adversity, resilient people retain a strong sense of meaning and purpose. They view challenges as an opportunity for development.
  • People who are resilient typically approach their problems with a positive attitude. They focus on solutions rather than issues for too long. They approach problems methodically by breaking complicated issues down into smaller, more manageable pieces.
  • They can change with the needs of the environment. Resilient people are open to new ideas and capable of changing course, when necessary.
  • They have good self-control over themselves and do not let negative emotions take control of them.
  • People who are resilient, are very aware of their strengths and weaknesses.
  • They are not hesitant to ask for assistance when necessary.
  • Resilient people are optimistic in nature. They overcome difficulties smoothly because they perceive them as transient.
How to become more resilient?

Despite the fact that some people are more naturally resilient than others, this is a skill that can be learned. It is almost always possible to deal with a crisis by improving one’s self-care, asking loved ones for support and emotional assistance, and focusing on the aspects of the situation that are under one’s control.

1) Stress Management

Managing stress using effective coping mechanisms can help increase overall stress. Techniques for problem-solving and effective communication can all be beneficial, as can breathing exercises and biofeedback methods. Resilience can be boosted by lowering stress through healthy behaviour like getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising.

2) Reframing Negative Thoughts

Reframing trauma and loop of negative thoughts helps adults empathize with their younger selves and recognize their many qualities and real strengths. For example, accepting that they were not to blame for abuse can help adults feel empathy for their younger selves. It becomes easier to come out of a negative frame of mind by focusing on the good aspects.

3) Obtaining Assistance

Speaking with others can also be a great way for people to gain new perspectives on their problems or even generate fresh solutions.

4) Locus of control

The tendency for people to believe they have control over the circumstances and outcomes in their lives is known as locus of control. When someone places the blame for their own circumstances on fate, luck, or other exogenous factors, they are said to have an external locus of control. Internal locus of control refers to a person’s conviction that his life’s events are influenced by his own choices and actions. Greater resilience is correlated with an internal locus of control.

5) Perseverance

People who are resilient consistently move in the direction of their goals and are tenacious in their pursuit of them.

Helen Keller, one of the best examples of resilient people, must be well-known to everyone. Keller was blind and deaf, but these limitations never stopped her from pursuing her dreams. She had made it her mission to live a good and beautiful life. She learned to read, published books, and travelled extensively to promote the rights of deaf-blind people.

One can overcome life’s challenges by having the proper mindset and employing the right techniques. Resilience is indeed influenced by factors like genetics and early life experiences. However, specific resilience-building abilities, such as breaking out of destructive thought patterns, resisting catastrophizing, and finding the positive side of adversity- can be learned. Hope the readers find this article to be informative and helpful.

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