The Importance of Inclusive Education for Students

The Importance of Inclusive Education for Students

Special Education

Education is a medium for earning and learning in life. In today’s era, parents are very much concerned about children’s education as they believe education provides a good future for their kids. They work to their fullest to meet this objective in life. But many kids do not get proper support and facilities for the same. As they are differently abled. Inclusive education is added to the curriculum to meet this objective. Inclusive education talks about equity rather than equality. Let us understand the difference between these two words first:

Difference between equality and equity: Equality means everyone is treated in the same way regardless of their differences. Whereas equity means everyone is provided what they need, to succeed or to meet similar results.

What is inclusive education?

Inclusive education provides equal opportunities to children with disabilities in general schools to facilitate their retention. This also allows differently abled children to learn to live in Society as they meet different types of people and diverse natural challenges. This enables such children to face life with courage and confidence.

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Research on inclusive education shows:
  • Most students learn and perform better when exposed to the richness of the general education curriculum (better academic performance).
  • Inclusion provides opportunities to develop relationships (better social behavior).
  • Develop a comfort level with people who have any disability and more care for them by able people (emotional needs of the child is fulfilled).
  • Classmates of students with disabilities also experience growth in social cognition (a more harmonious society).
Objective of Inclusive Education:
  1. Education for all
  2. Identification of skills
  3. Respect individual differences.
  4. Identification of social consciousness.
  5. Developing feelings of self-respect
  6. Social equality
  7. Self-reliant
  8. To make sure all diverse learner get the resources as per their different interest and abilities.
  9. All students have greater opportunities for academic and social achievement.
  10. Educating disabled children as they are the future citizens of the country.
Principles of Inclusive Education:
  1. No rejection policy
  2. All children learn in different ways
  3. It is every child’s right to be included

Challenges To Implement Inclusive Education:

Negative approach:

Change is challenging. Accepting this change and applying to it is not easy because everyone in the education system does not welcome this change. Parents and teachers discuss the risk factors of this change. The coin has both sides. Application of this change may bring some new challenges but just because of fear of something unexpected can happen, people cannot ignore the benefits of this change.

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Social discrimination and Lack of trained teacher:

Such children might have to face social discrimination, but they have to face it one day. Even when people say they don’t do discrimination. It’s a fact of life. The earlier they will accept it the easier it will become to face such challenges. Also, people must understand the difference between rational and irrational discrimination. Understanding the nature of difficulty and ways to train such kids requires lots of patience, skills, and training for teachers as well.

The poor economic status of parents and Fear of the parents:

Parents cannot afford such good quality learning schools as they face financial issues. So sometimes they prefer to teach such kids at home as their medical expenses and transportation (specifically kids who are facing physical challenges) become difficult for them to bear. Sometimes children get bullied, but do not inform their parents because of many reasons. Such as they will not trust them, they would have also done something wrong or they have to leave their school and friends.

Low accessibility of resources or funds and Large size class:

To meet the needs of each child school has to get funds to arrange such facilities. In, large-size classes, it becomes difficult for teachers to meet the special needs of one or more than one child. Doing so can hamper education for other kids.

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Acceptance by peers and The equipment to meet the unique needs of students:

It’s also difficult for others to understand and empathize with such kids as they don’t have any previous exposure. But concern can be managed well through value education and empathy-building exercises. First of all, the school’s infrastructure can meet each child’s needs. Such as person can easily use wheel chair till the class or washroom should be written in Braille language.

    Problem Faced By Disabled Students:

    1. Inferiority complex
    2. Lack of understanding
    3. Adjustment problem
    4. Isolated and segregated
    5. Difficulty in meeting learning pace with other kids
    6. Insecurity
    7. Lack of expression
    8. Negative approach

    Requirement or modification for inclusive schools:

    • Sensitization
    • Modified curriculum
    • Access and barrier-free environment
    • A resource teacher and resource room
    • Service of therapist and counselor

    Types of Disability:

    • Physical disability
    • Visual disability
    • Hearing disability
    • Mental health disability
    • Intellectual disability
    • Learning disability

    Competencies Needed For an Inclusive Teacher:

    • Should have the ability to solve problems
    • Should know about the interests, aptitudes, and abilities of disabled children and use them to develop various skills in them
    • Have the ability to set achievable targets for disabled students.
    • Should be patient, welcoming, polite, and devoted.
    • Should work as a team with parents and special educators.
    • Keep a record of students’ successes and failures

    Role of Teacher:

    • Identify the disability by interacting with parents and the level of disability
    • Designing strategies to meet that challenge
    • Developing teaching aids and material required
    • Develop self-confidence in taking this responsibility
    • Look after their personal needs
    • Recognize the hidden talent of student
    • Inculcating positive attitude in the able-bodies student

    If someone has a strong desire and determination to do something they find any method to accomplish their desire. For inclusive education what Schools need is a dedicated teacher who is ready to learn and recreate an environment where differently abled child feels enabled.



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