Anjali Seth
  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
    2nd Badge: 1001 Points
    3rd Badge: 10001 Points
    4th Badge: 25001 Points
    5th Badge: 75001 Points
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    Personality Complexes: Understanding Different Sides of Yourself

    In the field of psychology, Personality is a huge topic. Many Psychologists presented their theories of personality to explaining the

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    8 Japanese philosophies that can change life

    In life, we are all in the process of learning. Every new day comes with new challenges and, hence, new

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    The Psychology Behind Excellence

    As humans, we are all striving for perfection in our lives. When it’s time to think about what people want

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    How to Overcome Your Inner Struggle?

    As Humans almost everyone must have experienced negative thoughts or inner voices within themselves. Sometimes these negative thoughts becomes so

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    The psychology behind self-motivation

    People have lots of dreams, plans, and ambitions in their lives. They often feel that they can achieve what they

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    The Psychology Behind Propaganda

    Today’s information is available everywhere in the form of news, posts, advertisements, memes, and reels. Sometimes while scrolling through the

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    Why do people change their behavior?

    As humans, we have all heard people, close or known to us often comment, “You have changed.” When they say

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    Self Help

    The pros and cons of living in the present

    When a person feels overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed, they usually get suggestions or advice from their support system and people

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    Self Help

    Behaviorism: History, Types, and Impact

    Since the beginning of evolution, humans have been curious about nature. Because of this humans have developed into social being.

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    Life Style Positive

    11 brutal life lessons that nobody will teach you

    Life is not easy, and if it is easy, it is not worth living. The former line seems so easy

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