Search Results for : sleep
News Research

New Treatment Option for REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: Study

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) is a sleep behaviour disorder classified under DSM-5 in sleep disorders. This disorder causes to physically play out vivid and frequently unpleasant dreams. That is, during the REM stage of sleep, rather than the usual temporary


Is Sleep Apnea Stealing Your Brain’s Power?

According to a recent study, OSA may contribute to early cognitive decline. But what is OSA? A person experiences frequent breathing interruptions while sleeping in a common sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). As a result, the amount


The Psychology of Sleep

Hello there, fellow sleepyhead! Did you know that sleep is not just about catching some Zs? There’s a whole psychology behind it that’s important for our mental health! It’s not surprising, is it? We’ve all had times when after a


World Sleep Day: A Good Night Sleep Can Do Wonders

How do you feel after a good night’s sleep? Probably better prepared for the day, more productive, energetic, and satisfied. Isn’t this feeling sufficient to prioritise sleep for overall well-being? Sleep, one of the most compromised aspects of well-being, calls for

Awareness News

Diabetes Can Cause Depression, Anxiety, and Sleep Disturbance

Diabetes, a chronic metabolic condition can often lead to anxiety and depression symptoms in a number of individuals. The quality of sleep and stress levels also bear significant impact as a result of the condition. Several lifestyle-related risk factors including

Health News Research

Sleeping with Lights On at Night Can Cause Physical and Mental Problems: Study

Our preference to keep the lights on or sleep in pitch-dark rooms is subjective. Some prefer to sleep alone, and some with the people surrounding them. It depends on conditioning and the experiences they had over the years. On days

Health Positive

Prioritize your night’s sleep and don’t get deprived of it

How many of you find sleeping to be unmanageable these days? And also consider it as a catastrophe for sack time?   It’s late-night, but you are still awake and finding it difficult to fall asleep. Your eyes glued to

Awareness Self Help

Tips to improve quality of sleep: sleep hygiene

When was the last time you had difficulty falling asleep? Or difficulty staying asleep? Have you ever woken up too often during the same night resulting in you being tired the next day? What do you think is the reason


Sleep hygiene amid covid-19

COVID-19 has interfered with our daily lives beyond imagination. We are exposed to looming threats that are demanding our adjustment each day. With increasing pressure and heightened stress and anxiety, many are facing sleep problems or are seeing worsening of


4 Interesting Psychology Research Paper Topics

Psychology covers an impressively broad array of fascinating topics, spanning motivation and cognitive biases to social media’s impact on mental health. Additional fields include stress reduction techniques, emotion’s effect on judgment, and practical applications of psychological theories. more psychology topics