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Awareness Self Help

What is FOMO? How it affects us? How can we overcome FOMO?

What is FOMO? The term FOMO is seen relatively a new term. This word has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary in the year 2013. In simple words, FOMO means “Fear of missing out”. It is a form of social anxiety that

Awareness Positive Self Help

Take a break Homemakers! We are proud of you. Relax.

Homemaker, this a term is generally used for the member of the family who stays home and gives life to it by supporting and taking care of it. The term is generally used for females who are housewives and mothers

Awareness Self Help

Tool for happiness: Self-Care & Self-Love

 “Why are you so negative of yourself?”, “Why don’t you value yourself?”. We usually reply with an affirmation, “Yes!! Of course.” But why does it gets tricky when we are asked, “How do you?” Perhaps it may be best to

Health Motivation

Covid-19: Uncertainty and Vigorous Mind: A Research Review

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” H.P. Lovecraft The unknown novel corona virus is the biggest enemy which has engulfed the world with its


Sleep hygiene amid covid-19

COVID-19 has interfered with our daily lives beyond imagination. We are exposed to looming threats that are demanding our adjustment each day. With increasing pressure and heightened stress and anxiety, many are facing sleep problems or are seeing worsening of

Awareness Self Help

Anxiety Management

Do you remember the feeling you experienced right before an important presentation? Or the feeling we experience during an important exam? We all have faced anxiety at some point in our life or the other. It is absolutely normal to


Mental Health of Health Care Professional

MENTAL HEALTH OF HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL  World Health Organization’s (WHO) defines the concept of health as  ‘health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’, particularly defines mental health

Self Help

Me and My Creative space in the quarantine space

ME AND MY CREATIVE SPACE IN THE QUARANTINE TIME “Change is the only static concept to make us do what we keep aside for a long time” Who could have thought that a minute virus which is hard to see


Beware of negative leadership

Negativity in the leader can interfere with the smooth functioning of any organization. This is a well-known fact. What if negativity in the leader is not perceivable, and the inmates of the organization are under the illusion of well-being and

Self Help

Do you nourish yourself or punish?

The answer to this question lies in our behaviour and habits, how we treat ourselves especially when we are down, and how we let others treat us. For many of us, the truth is that we punish ourselves more frequently