Search Results for : Reading

A shift of Perspective

Learning Disability according to psychological terms, is a neurological disorder or neurological processing problem. In simpler words, it is how differently a person’s brain is ‘wired’. What is learning disability? Every layman who first hear this word would describe it


Role of Art Therapeutic Interventions among children with learning disabilities

Art Therapy can be understood as psychotherapy that is facilitated by a trained Art Therapist, and that involves the use of art and craft materials for the purpose of expressing one’s thoughts and emotions. Since the time of inception, art


Messages! Are you taking it too seriously?

Every single day, our mobiles are flooded with humongous greetings of ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Good Night’. Thousands of motivational messages and jokes we are bound to entertain from people across. Its good, as positive thought at the beginning of day


Coronavirus: A new threat to the world

On 31st December, the Who China Country Office was informed of cases of Pneumonia unknown etiology detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. According to WHO “From 31st December 2019 through 3rd January 2020, a total of 44  case-patients


Mindful Parenting

Mindfulness is the quality of being aware of what is happening in the present moment. That sounds simple, but for most parents life is no less than a roller coaster ride- always running and worrying about what to do next,


Depression is not rare

There has been a significant rise in the number of people with depression all over the world. WHO estimates that more than 300 million people globally are living with depression. Depression can have a significant impact on the quality of


Our Obsession with True Crime

For a period of time in 2019, all the internet talked about was the 2nd season of a Netflix Original: Mindhunter. It was not the first time that people were fascinated with how the criminal mind works. The ‘True-Crime’ genre


Psychological impact of news and its ways of coping

Day in and day out, we are surrounded by news. People turned to news in order to stay connected to the world. Though, news can be stressful at times due to which many of us experience anxiety levels of so


Putrid smell of professional envy

Once triggered, it is difficult to stop. It assumes a life of its own. Just as other instinctual forces programmed into nature’s survival mechanism, the deadliest of all sins called envy has a way which is more certain to it

Self Help

Detoxification of Mental Health

Everyone strives to live a pleasurable life, a life with no worries, no stresses, no headaches etc. and dreams to live it blissfully. But as one gets older and enters his/her adulthood, the stress and anxieties begin to emerge and