Search Results for : Reading

Psychological impact of news and its ways of coping

Day in and day out, we are surrounded by news. People turned to news in order to stay connected to the world. Though, news can be stressful at times due to which many of us experience anxiety levels of so


Putrid smell of professional envy

Once triggered, it is difficult to stop. It assumes a life of its own. Just as other instinctual forces programmed into nature’s survival mechanism, the deadliest of all sins called envy has a way which is more certain to it

Self Help

Detoxification of Mental Health

Everyone strives to live a pleasurable life, a life with no worries, no stresses, no headaches etc. and dreams to live it blissfully. But as one gets older and enters his/her adulthood, the stress and anxieties begin to emerge and


You’re being watched

Imagine you are having coffee at your favourite restaurant with a friend, catching up on life updates. Your friend mentions that, she’s going on a vacation in the Himalayas and asks you to join her. You discuss the matter further


Pets: Means to a fulfilling life

If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. James Herriot Most of us have watched and fallen in love with the movie “Hachiko: A


ADHD and Need for Rehabilitation

It is one of the common complaints of many parents that their child is not doing well in the studies, teachers consider their child as a slow learner, they have a reluctant handwriting which is too difficult to understand, at



A child is parents’ ultimate legacy and it is important for the parents to make decisions that encompasses all the possibilities which their child’s future might encounter. For a parent, future prospective and well-being of their child is not the


SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION Vulnerability, early symptoms and self management

After this, identify the activities or hobbies which have been the source of entertainment, were pleasurable in the past and connect to the real-time social groups in which you can actively participate. List out all your friends whom you can


“It’s more about how to be angry and not about never being angry”

Emotions surface the human mind time to time, depending upon the external and internal circumstances, while some emotions bring pleasant feelings like joy, happiness, surprises, pride etc. there are other emotions which are negative emotions like – hatred, anger, jealousy,


Reflections on cultivating meaning and realizing true self: A secret to growing livelinesss

What is life and how should we live that? Since antiquity, this is a question which had provoked human mind to think but it remains least attempted in modern disciplines. In the ordinary sense, life is considered as a span