Search Results for : syndrome

What Is DMI Test How Does It Measure Brain Capacity

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test: DMI Test is a scientific method that decodes the details of innate brain potentials of children by analysing fingerprints. Dermatoglyphics Dermatoglyphics is a scientific study of fingerprints that is derived from ancient Greek dermato-skin and glyphic-carving.

Health News

How is mental health affected by hypersomnia, know its causes and remedies

While talking about sleeping and waking disorders, insomnia has always taken the centre stage, which leaves less room for the condition of hypersomnia to be studied and discussed. Hypersomnia is a condition where the individual suffering from the disorder struggles

Health News

Insomnia in Psychiatric Patients Might Lead to Cardio Metabolic Problems

Psychiatric patients have higher rates of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) than the general population, with many contributing factors including psychiatric illness, and lifestyle (e.g., unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, smoking, excessive alcohol use), clinical, and genetic

Awareness Health

What is Alcoholism? Effect and Treatment

Overview: Alcohol Use Disorder is classified as a disorder in which the individual’s in facing problems in controlling their drinking, they are filled with/ consumed with alcohol, or they are pursuing alcohol even when its consumption is causing issues. This

Awareness Health

Personality Disorders: Comprehensive Analysis

Overview: Personality disorders are the result of mental illness that uniquely impacts personality traits, which leads the person to behave in bizarre and destructive ways and significantly disrupts that individual’s important areas of life. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical

Health News Research

Research: Schizophrenia patients feel a lack of motivation

Schizophrenia is a neurodevelopmental and brain condition that affects cognition, emotion, and thinking processes. Although positive symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions are used to diagnose schizophrenia, negative symptoms such as anhedonia, amotivation, and expressive dysfunctions are used to determine

Awareness Health News

Demystifying Weight Gain

Weight gain is commonly caused by overeating, eating the incorrect sorts of food, or consuming a lot of sugar without getting enough exercise. However, there could be some unanticipated reasons for the rising waistline that weren’t usually considered. Hormones, medicine,


Is your PCOS making you bipolar? Here’s the link between the hormonal and mental issue

Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD), also known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is a serious health concern that has taken the world of women by storm (PCOS). The latter is one of the most frequent endocrine illnesses among reproductive-age women in India,


Occupational Burnout among the Health Workers

The Pandemic of COVID-19 has taken a toll, all over the world in terms of an increase in mortality, infections, economic disruptions, and vaccine distribution. On the front line in controlling the infections and dedicating to save the infected people,


Why Generation Gap conflict Does Neighborhood Influence Epilepsy Being A Man Too Groove Your Way to Charisma: The power to Imposter Syndrome and Student-Athlete The Psychology of Sleep: E-Health: Use of Technology Sensitive Behavior and its Mental Health Benefits of