Search Results for : stress

Domestic violence and its far-reaching impact and influence

Whether talked about or not, domestic violence is prevalent in a lot of households. In some households, it may manifest in a subtle way whereas in a few it might take more radical forms. Whether it takes place in a


Heart Broken?

“Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.” –Mineko Iwasaki Heartbroken- misunderstood, separated, broken promises, sleepless nights, tearful eyes, the depths of pain- more, much more- a feeling that exceeds its expression


Woods are lovely, dark and deep, let’s wander like a lonely cloud: An overview of sauntering.

“Think of a man’s swinging dumbbells for his health, when those springs are bubbling up in far-off pastures unsought by him!” _ Henry David Thoreau, Walking At an age when being quarantined became an imposition upon all of us, it

Awareness Self Help

Anxiety Management

Do you remember the feeling you experienced right before an important presentation? Or the feeling we experience during an important exam? We all have faced anxiety at some point in our life or the other. It is absolutely normal to


They say it will be okay but when?

Have you ever said ‘Don’t worry everything will be fine’ to someone you care about?Do you say that often to the people who you feel bad for when they go through pain, confusion, accusation? Then you are not helping them.


Mental Health of Health Care Professional

MENTAL HEALTH OF HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL  World Health Organization’s (WHO) defines the concept of health as  ‘health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’, particularly defines mental health


Psychological issues among sportspersons

“It’s easy to overlook on the outside because all [the fans and media] see is players going out there and play in front of the big crowds, thinking how good a life they must have, but it’s extremely tough. You


Existential Crisis & COVID-19

These are unprecedented times as the Coronavirus epidemic escalates globally. Governments and citizens are grappling with problems unleashed on unsuspecting populations worldwide. A majority of people are in lockdown and isolated in their homes. An invisible micro-organism is holding countries


Coping with dissociative identity disorder

How is it really like to live with dissociative personality disorders. Mr A[1] says, “It frustrates me when people try to tell me my alters aren’t real. Even if they’re just trying to make me feel better, I end up



“People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges”. Love is the most profound emotion known to a human being. It can be for your pet, family members, or your partner. It is very important to know the consequences of