Search Results for : anger

Depression in Teens

Caretakers of Ms A, 13-year-old girl visited a psychologist reporting the chief complaints of the girl being self-harming, sad, unhappy, isolated, and inexpressive most of the time of the day over a period of time. After having a few counselling


Signature strengths and Self-awareness; key to quality life

“Awareness of self, strengthens the quality of life”. Life is a journey of ups and downs, the wave of the challenges and emotions involved, have some high tides and some low tides but the only promise that life makes is,


Video Game Addiction: Children and Adolescents

In earlier days, we often used to think of addiction being only related to smoking, alcohol or illegal drugs. These were labelled as substance-related addictions. More recently, different types of addictions are seen in children and among adolescents: the internet,


Anti-Social Personality: A curse to society

According to Allport, “Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment.” Psychologists from all over the world have defined personality in different ways and have researched behaviours which


“Working Women”- The new perspective

Since a very long time, women, in India are considered to be goddesses in avatar, a goddess who is built on certain standards of the traditional Indian society. These standards are considered essential to the foundation of the hierarchical composition


Quitting smoking is easy; I’ve done it hundreds of times

Addiction is a compulsive behaviour, despite knowing the harm it causes. Addiction may be persistent because of the feeling of pleasure and/or value. This behaviour may involve a particular substance or activity. Substance addiction includes intake of any harmful substance


Wiring of an anxious brain and how to rewire it

Try to remember the time when you had to face an interview, appear for an important exam or give a presentation and notice everything that you were experiencing in your body and in your mind. All the situations mentioned above

Self Help

Are you emotionally fit?

“In the abyss of emotions, I cannot quit BUT surely I can learn how to swim” Are you fit? While trying to answer this simple question one will ponder upon their BMI, eating habits, exercise routines (especially physical ones) or


ADHD and Need for Rehabilitation

It is one of the common complaints of many parents that their child is not doing well in the studies, teachers consider their child as a slow learner, they have a reluctant handwriting which is too difficult to understand, at


Emotionally Focussed Therapy for Couples in the Wake of Globalisation

It is an era of globalisation. The world has become a small village connected closely by technological roots. While on one hand such a situation has blessed the mankind with utmost comfort, luxurious lifestyles and flourishing economies, while on the