Search Results for : anger

Capgras Syndrome: The Delusion of Doppelganger

Capgras Syndrome is a rare condition in which a person is perceived as the duplicate of a family member or loved one. This delusion can hamper daily functioning and affect both the patient and the person disillusioned as a doppelganger.

Awareness Self Help

The Psychology of Dangerous Behaviour

The mind in its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven. By-John Milton, Poet Our minds can be unpredictable which can lead to us taking dangerous actions, that are unethical, scary and


Rage Rooms: Providing Anger Relief or Perpetuating Violence?

Are your body muscles tense up? Pulse firing up? Feeling anger building up inside you? Well, this place has got you – Rage Rooms. It is a place where you can smash and break things to get out your anger.


Anger: A Healthy Emotion or a Harmful Reaction?

Imagine you worked hard in your role at the office. You know for sure you will get promoted this time. But, then you find that a less deserving colleague has gotten that promotion, with a high percentage appraisal. How would


The 5 Anger Languages in Relationship

Anger is a human emotion that comes out when a person feels betrayed, harmed or disrespected. According to Charles Spielberger, Anger is “an emotional state that varies from mild irritation to intense rage.”  When two people love each other they


A Surprising Link to Increased Heart Attack Risk and Prolonged Anger 

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association reported blood vessels’ ability to relax, which is crucial for proper blood flow, can be affected by a brief episode of anger activated by remembering past experiences. According

Self Help

9 Healthy Ways to Channel Anger and Find Inner Peace

Human behaviour is vividly complex and we possess a variety of emotions. A common misconception around emotions is that of perceiving them as either positive or negative. It is important to realise that all kinds of emotions reside in each

Awareness Social

Noise: A disturbing movie about Displaced Anger

Your anger will pass. But your mean words can scar a person for life. Sandhya Ram Mahindra’s short movie Noise foregrounds the ill effects of displaced aggression and illustrates how anger pollutes the emotional environment. A poignant, disturbing movie portraying


Virtual Autism Alert: Dangers of Excessive Screen Time for Your Toddlers’ Development

In my clinic, a 3-year-old child was brought to my attention, whose parents suspecting possible signs of autism. He did not respond to his name when I addressed him and kept crying. Despite my attempts to engage him by repeatedly

Self Help

Managing Rage: Triggers and Anger Management Strategies

Intense, uncontrollable anger that is an intensified hostile reaction to a perceived grave insult or injustice is called rage, sometimes referred to as frenzy or fury. Rage is a normal emotion that can be advantageous in some situations and is