Search Results for : anger

Parental Neglect and its effects on Children

Parental Neglect is an extremely serious concept as the consequences it carries are and can be very damaging such as those compared to child sexual abuse, rape etc. It can also be very harmful as it directly affects the well-being


Divorce and its psychological Impact

Divorce can take a heavy psychological toll on the children experiencing it. And it’s very important to see it from the perspective of a child as it is a part and parcel of their parent’s relationship. Therefore, family structure plays


Real self and Virtual Self

With the advent of technology, we do possess a virtual self. The bigger question remains Is there a discrepancy between the real and virtual self? Since, it is a virtual platform there is a certain way we present ourselves. This


Online dating and its Psychological Implications

Internet in today’s world is serving a lot of functions and the most striking being nurturing relationships.  Therefore, we can see that this transition in the way relationships have been shaped over time does impact the human psyche. Individuals’ now

Awareness Health

Impact of Coronavirus on the person who is suffering from Obsession Compulsion disorder.

Impact of Coronavirus on the person who is suffering from OCD. Before the advent of COVID-19, anxiety disorders already copious as one of the most communal mental health problems worldwide. COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by a newly discovered


Domestic violence and its far-reaching impact and influence

Whether talked about or not, domestic violence is prevalent in a lot of households. In some households, it may manifest in a subtle way whereas in a few it might take more radical forms. Whether it takes place in a


Heart Broken?

“Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.” –Mineko Iwasaki Heartbroken- misunderstood, separated, broken promises, sleepless nights, tearful eyes, the depths of pain- more, much more- a feeling that exceeds its expression


Grief-An untold tale!!!

“Death ends a life, not a relationship” -Mitch Albom From time to time we have listened to people tell us in times of grief, that though our loved ones are physically gone they are here with us in their soul


Listen, Inquire, And Respond: 3 Steps for Better Life Management

This post is about a lot of things. When we say life management, what does this word ‘life’ include? It includes all are systems – at micro level as well as macro-level and even beyond. From our ‘self’ to our


Co-vid19 – The Fears and shame:

Our generation is seeing such times for the first-ever time. It is almost warlike times where we are in a state of Lockdown and have come across words like Quarantine, Isolation and Social Distancing. And all due to a small