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Awareness Education Self Help


Body language can be considered as a secret window to our souls. Since our emotions are “deep-seated” and are intertwined with our behaviours, they tend to be displayed through non-verbal cues i.e. body language. Most of our emotions are expressed

Awareness Education

How to talk to your child about discrimination?

After the horrific the incidence of how a black person was tortured in an inhumane way by white police officer that shows racism which led to the death of George Floyd, people all over the world are in utter shock

Awareness Positive Relationship Therapy

How empathy is different from Sympathy?

Empathy is a very important skill discussed in different realms of psychology. However people are often perplexed between what is empathy and what is sympathy. When sympathy is expressed by almost every one of us, empathy is a skill that

Awareness Parenting

How raising a challenging child can be easier?

Nobody told you parenting is hard work. Correction – it’s very hard work. Nobody told you it’s going to suck the life out of you. Nobody told you kids aren’t angels. Twitter and Instagram only showed you the good side,

Awareness Health Self Help

How cooking can be more than just food?

If you all could recollect back those initial days of lockdown!? We all found our escapes in the kitchen. Social media- Facebook, What’s App, Instagram were full of culinary posts. This is certainly a time when many new food blogs


Why is it important to create Mental Health Awareness?

Stigma? A Greek word, primordially referring to a mark burned into the skin to signify opprobrium, disapprobation and disgrace. This is what the phrasing Stigma surrounding mental illness alludes, that humans with a deteriorated mental health are encircled by a


Looking through the eyes of a kidnapper

There might have been a case or we might have heard about an incident that would have shaken us, instilled some sense of fear in your parents or in you, without even being closely associated with that incident. Kidnapping is


Are Serial Killers born or are they made?

Till date it is possible that we might have heard about a few people and cases that might have impacted us, made us think and question and we could feel chills running down through our spines when we first heard

Crime Research

Oh Criminal! What you do think?

There is always this strange question that keeps running in our minds – Why can’t we live in a world with no crime at all? Or why does anyone chooses to become a criminal in the first place? There are

Parenting Positive

Resilience and Kids

Resilience in its most general sense refers to the ability of an individual to cope with difficult situations in life or simply whatever life throws at you. It is a special quality and an adaptive skill that differs from person