Organizational Psychology and its Role in Helping Human Resource Management

Organizational Psychology and its Role in Helping Human Resource Management

Let’s first understand the terms what is organizational psychology and human resource management, which is followed what is the role of organizational psychology in the human resource management sector.

Organizational Psychology

Organizational psychology is a study of human behavior at work, in simple terms. It aims to assess individual, group, and organizational dynamics with the purpose of identifying solutions for problems related to improving well-being and performance in organizations and their employees through this research.

Human Resource Management

Human resource management is a strategic approach to employee support and the promotion of a positive working environment. Its functions might be varied from one company to the next, but often include recruitment, compensation and benefits, training and development as well as employee relations.

Is organizational psychology related to Human Resource Management (HRM)?

Individuals who work in HRM have a key responsibility for improving their organization’s performance and can be helped to do so by knowledge of organizational psychology or entrepreneurial psychology. It including regard to recruitment, performance management, staff engagement, development, and wellbeing.

What’s the difference between Human Resources Management and Organisational Psychology?

The psychology of IOs focuses on the study of people’s attitudes at work, whereas Human Resources managers deal with matters such as recruitment, compensation, and benefits administration.

So, let’s see how Organizational psychology going to play its role in helping Human resource management.

Increasing and maintaining productivity in the workplace is a key goal of organizational psychology. Psychologists don’t just provide advice, they observe behaviour and sometimes reactions from employers to ascertain where the problem is. They help employers and workers by reviewing their company’s policies. Planning for the needs of human resources, including recruitment and selection, training, and development, is part of this management. In addition, most aspects of industrial relations are covered, including welfare and safety, wage and salary administration, collective bargaining and dealing with most aspects of industrial relations.

Recruiting New Employees

The development of recruitment procedures and the selection of employees is supported by psychologists within human resources management. This will include the development of job announcements, identifying key qualifications, and drawing up evaluations for candidates.

The training and development of employees.

In order to determine the skills and abilities necessary to perform a specific job effectively, industrial psychologists perform job analyses. The development and evaluation of employee skills training programs shall be based on the information and insight obtained from these analyses.

Work-life and employee satisfaction.

The subject of satisfaction for workers, motivation, health and security as well as happiness is an area of industrial psychology. In this regard, the role of an industrial psychologist is to assess employees’ well-being and happiness at work with a view to establishing ways for improving their working environment as well as implementing workplace balance programs if necessary.

Managing the Employee Performance

Industrial psychologists work with organizations in developing and conducting performance assessments, identifying skills gaps as well as providing feedback and recommendations for the purpose of measuring and managing employee performance. Decisions relating to compensation or promotion are often based on the information obtained from these assessments.

Organizational development and management.

The structure and performance of organizations are the focus of this area of industrial psychology. An organization would use an industrial consultant to assess the effectiveness, productivity. and profitability of a company in order to help it with organizational culture issues and structural changes.


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