Clinomania: When You Are Not Able to Leave Your Bed
Life Style

Clinomania: When You Are Not Able to Leave Your Bed

A women wearing pink cloths lying on bed

Everybody experiences moments of being completely unmotivated and feeling lethargic. Many people have a tendency to put off doing their work in favour of sleeping in. But occasionally, people experience such a powerful want to lie in bed all day that they are unable to resist it and end up doing so.

However, some people have a really difficult time getting out of bed. No amount of sleep is adequate for this terrible condition. They are unable to live a regular, healthy life as a result because, despite having previously slept for 12 or 13 hours, all they can concentrate on is getting another hour of sleep. This condition is referred to as clinomania or dysania.

An irrepressible urge to stay in bed is the primary symptom of the anxiety condition clinomania. Aside from other symptoms, this one causes discomfort and grief. In actuality, they all have a substantial negative impact on the sufferer’s life.

Clinomania and Depression

The word is derived from the Latin words “clin” (bed) and “mania” (loosely translated as “madness”). As is clear from the definition of the word “clinomania,” those who experience this condition have a strong and unnatural want to stay in bed, sometimes to the point of obsession or insanity. They have no motivation to get out of bed and accomplish anything. They are unmotivated and feel lethargic. Additionally, they believe that whatever they achieve will be worthwhile and that there is no use in trying. Clinomania frequently results from depression.

When someone experiences depression, they may lose their hope for the future and feel unmotivated to engage with the world. They may spend a lot of time in bed, and struggle to focus their thoughts. Sometimes, they may even resist or become angry with those who try to encourage them to get up and do things. It’s important to seek help from a licensed psychologist if you or someone you know is struggling with clinomania, as this behaviour can contribute to long-term depression and other mental health issues.

Signs and Symptoms
  • Increasing the amount of time spent in bed
  • Have extreme trouble getting out of bed
  • They fluctuate in mood.
  • When they have to go out, they don’t have fun.
  • Everyone refers to them as insane, lazy, or procrastinators.
  • They give up on self-care.
  • They experience either insomnia or hypersomnia as a sleep condition.
Psychological Effects
  • A feeling of guilt: You spend a lot of time in bed, which is why they emerge. These emotions may even start to resemble thoughts of worthlessness. In other words, you feel inadequate and guilty for sleeping in your bed for so many hours.
  • A feeling of sadness: It’s a never-ending cycle. You get less interested in other things the longer you spend in bed. Being uninterested also causes you to spend more time in bed. All of this ultimately results in melancholy, apathy, and lack of drive.
  • A feeling of loneliness and incomprehension: You cease doing activities and engaging with others, which feeds the vicious cycle we already described. This ultimately results in increased emotions of indifference, confusion, and loneliness.
  • Social isolation: In the end, you isolate yourself from the outside world in your bed. This should serve as a clear indication that you have clinomania and should alert you to it.
How to Deal With It?
  • Maintain a regular sleeping pattern
  • Set up a restful environment for sleeping
  • Prior to going to bed, relax.
  • Get some sun and work out during the day.
  • Concentrating on the core issue/problem
  •  acquire coping mechanisms
  • Adopt relaxation techniques
  • Take treatment.

Speak with your healthcare practitioner if your urge to stay in bed is having an impact on your health and well-being. Be careful to mention any other symptoms you may be having, such as exhaustion, a sad mood, or excessive daytime drowsiness. Your doctor will be able to assess your symptoms and decide on the best course of action.


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