‘Every Action Has An Equal And Opposite Reaction’
Awareness Positive Self Help

‘Every Action Has An Equal And Opposite Reaction’

What do you know about reactions? There is a stimulus/situation and we react to it. That’s it? A situation brings positives and negatives along with it. When you come across an event you tend to react with a reflex which is also known as an immediate reaction to an unpredicted stimulus. For example, if you see a ball suddenly thrown in your direction, either you duck or catch the ball. That is your reflex, that is an immediate bodily response to an unwanted stimuli.

‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction’ is a quote which you are all aware of, and for a matter of fact everyone would agree on this statement due to the various experiences one has come across. Associating actions and reactions to the current situation of Covid-19, where the pandemic has created a chaos all over the world. The outburst of the pandemic started to spread panic among the human race. Initially people were blank, did not know how to react, did not know what to think, what to do in such a situation, started getting scared, fearful to step out of the house etc. This one stimulus gave rise to numerous reactions in the human beings. This tells that it is not necessary that a single stimulus will have a single response, it can have multiple response with multiple intensities of the expressions. People started getting affected tremendously where the symptoms and the cure was unknown. Gradually the experts, doctors have worked upon understanding the problem, its symptoms, causes, the effects it might have and how it can be treated to decrease the symptoms. Countries with high population have been affected very badly where there have been large numbers of loss of lives.

Covid-19 is an unwanted and unpredicted situation, for which nobody was prepared or ready to face anything like this. Guidelines provided by doctors, hospital protocols were followed immediately by the people of the society in order to avoid any kind of exposure to the virus. The fear in people made them realize the urgency of taking precautions to avoid the problem. People started caring about their immunity level, health check to keep themselves safe. These were the immediate steps taken by the people, but what else happened which made a negative impact on the emotional, social and psychological aspects of human beings? The people were made aware of the different symptoms one might have if they were carriers of the virus. People started avoiding others who had just traveled back from abroad, they started behaving like strangers with people who are their own neighbors, people gave away negative vibes through non-verbal cues which affected the mental health condition of others at the receiving end. Why such a reaction? Why is there so much of negativity instead of empathy and support? It is understandable that one is fearful of the situation but creating panic for someone else and behaving badly in such situations with others is incorrect. It is the time where everyone needs each other’s support to get through the hard time together. The pandemic is already unwanted and on top of that unwanted negative reactions from your own friends and family is going to make things worse. It is important to think and understand the extremity of the problem which everyone is going through and everyone needs to be safe and sound from it. Rather than avoiding people because they have cough and cold, trying to ask the cause and their health condition is essential. This can be done by keeping social distance in order to take precautions. Being empathetic, supportive, helpful is going to help everybody to think rationally and take appropriate decisions. trying to ask the cause and their health condition is essential. This can be done by keeping social distance in order to take precautions. Being empathetic, supportive, helpful is going to help everybody to think rationally and take appropriate decisions. trying to ask the cause and their health condition is essential. This can be done by keeping social distance in order to take precautions. Being empathetic, supportive, helpful is going to help everybody to think rationally and take appropriate decisions.

It is a situation from which no one can run away. It is a situation where one has to face the challenges head on without any hesitations, because hesitation can do harm to oneself. When there is a friend who needs guidance with studies, you tend to guide them with all kind of help and support. When it comes to a pandemic, why one needs to change? Why can’t everyone process the situation and the different perspectives of the situation to grow better each day? Thinking about self-first is important in these tough conditions but thinking about people in our lives and being available for them when they need is also to be taken into consideration. Think about it. What if you are diagnosed with the virus? Wouldn’t you contact your family and friends immediately for help? What if they tell you that they can’t help you, or do anything for you? How would that make you feel? Shattered? Helpless? Sad? Yes, because that is the way in which your mind and emotions will react as it is not expected. You live each day creating and spreading positivity everywhere and that is what matters the most.

“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.”
–  Margaret Fuller.


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