W Yasashree
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My life has truly been an adventure thanks to my father's job. Travelling to one place after another, adjusting to every place, attaching and deattaching....I can just go on and on. All through these years I was fortunate to be close to nature, understanding the different facets of human life and engaging with my passion of dacing and reading books. I did not learn dance professionally but I always sense a connection the moment music plays and there is this sudden urge to dance away.Since childhood, I was fascinated with reading books of the mystery genre. There was something exciting in the thrilling adventures it presented; often visualizing myself as the detective, out to unravel the mysteries surrounding a shocking incident. Significant people in my life thought I would most likely fit in those areas of life which required a strong personality yet I knew how vulnerable I was. I would imagine myself becoming a detective, lawyer, librarian and what not. Little did I know that I would find all these professions culminated into one:Psychology. In my opinion psychology is a culmination of most of the professions present today coupled with an accepted vulnerability at heart. Truly vulnerability is strength here. I gather destiny oplayed a role in what I am today. And thanks to that.I am a post graduate in Psychology with specialization in Psycho-social Clinical Studies. Having studied psychology since my high school years till present day; in the process, I inculcated an interested in psychoanalysis and most significantly in the area of dreams. I did my dissertation on dreams which was not just enlightening but also extremely interesting and exciting. I wish to persue my interests in the clinical area and attempt to make a difference in the area of mental health albeit through small careful steps. Currently as a small step towards this change, I have joined a start-up initiative named Samajh: Tune into your mind which is inclined towards spreading mental health awareness through mental health campaigns and events.Here's hoping to new beginnings and exciting adventures in life. Cheers to giving our 100% efforts in life!!!

    Awareness Health

    What is Schizophrenia?

    I still remember my internship days done during my post-graduation. There was visible excitement, exchange of ideas, thoughts regarding various

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    What Are Speech Disorders?

    A school going boy in a small part of England had issues with his speech such that talking itself became

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    Awareness Health

    What Is Verbal Bullying?

    As much as 21st century is known for its technological advancements, it is increasingly becoming known for the excessive engagement in

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    Finding Strength in Vulnerability

    As human beings, we are often forced to face certain life circumstances which is not just challenging but also prove

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    Awareness Health

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

    Towards the end of the Mahabharata War, all those concerned in fighting for the right to throne experienced such extreme

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    What Is The Reality of Psychology?

    Psychology since its inception has come a long way. From surgical operations to conducting behavioural experiments on animals and humans

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    Understanding Jokes during the Pandemic

    In recent times, comedy/jokes either in terms of stand-up, television shows, movies, and the like have increased. The modified version

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    Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

    She scanned the hall with her eyes to check if there was any male member(s) sitting. She has to cross

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    Awareness Health


    I find myself in a room. There is complete darkness around me with a faint light seeping in from…probably a

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    Awareness Health

    Social Anxiety Disorder

    There are certain instances in life which bring about a major personality change in a person. These instances can make

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