Sarvesh Shashi

Sarvesh Shashi

Mental Well-being Expert
  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
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Sarvesh Shashi is a young entrepreneur and Indias leading mental well-being expert. He has set up indians largest Mental well being & Yoga brand called Sarva. Over the last ten years has managed to combine the science of yoga with Mind stimulating exercises to help it have a positive effect on the human brain and our emotions. Sarvesh believes that the science involved in the practice of yogic exercises & asanas has a positive impact on a human beings mental and emotional abilities. He is an expert in yogic therapy for mental health and well-being which when combined with the right breathing techniques & mental exercises can really help alleviate stress, anxiety and depression. During the uncertan times we are currently living in these excersies have aided in helping heal many. His company SARVA is India’s largest yoga and wellness ecosystem where besides focusing on fitness and physical health they also pay a lot of attention to mental health.Built on the pillars of authenticity, accessibility and modernity, SARVA focuses on helping people thrive through lifes challenges. With the aim to drive a cultural change in society, Sarvesh wants to make yoga-based wellness a part of the modern lifestyle, to combat global epidemics like stress, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, and obesity. Under the visionary leadership of Sarvesh, SARVA has secured funding from an illustrious list of global investors such as- Jennifer Lopez, Malaika Arora, Alex Rodriguez, Zumba® Fitness LLC, David Giampaolo, Mark Mastrov, and Bill Roedy, amongst others. Sarvesh through his expertise in Mental wellbeing & Yoga is working doggedly to expand SARVA globally through mindfulness music, guided meditation, sound therapy, mental theray & many other forms of mind stimulating exersices. Sarvesh wishes to impact any many lives as possible through his expertise in order to help those that really need to heal and thrive. Sarvesh has shared his story and revelations at conferences like the INK conference, TEDx, UN's Youth Change Makers Conclave and has been featured by CNBC Young Turks, Bloomberg TV, Forbes, BTVi, Fortune 40 under 40, #BWDisrupt Business World’s 40 under 40, #GQPowerList GQ’s 50 Most Influential Young Indians in 2019, Forbes Asia 30 under 30 and various other channels and publications. Sarvesh was named India's Youngest CEO in the Health and Wellness Sector by Bloomberg and was named by Better Homes & Gardens as one of the Top 10 people in India to watch out for.

Health Self Help

Mental health and wellness: overcoming the uncertainty by finding inner peace

Mental health and wellness: overcoming the uncertainty by finding inner peace   Every adversity carries the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit

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