Psychologs Health
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    Self Help

    Emotional Weakness: Causes, Signs and, Coping Tips

    There are times when people are seen shouting at others without any reasonable cause, getting tensed and worrying a lot,

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    Life Style

    Clinomania: When You Are Not Able to Leave Your Bed

    Everybody experiences moments of being completely unmotivated and feeling lethargic. Many people have a tendency to put off doing their

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    The Psychology Behind Memory Distortion

    Memory is a significant aspect of our mental functioning. It shapes our experiences and influences our perception of past time.

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    The Magic of Good Memories on Mood Alleviation

    The poet John Keats popularised the expression “Moments big as years,” which relates to moments in time that are so

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    Roles and Responsibilities of Being a Clinical Psychologist

    A clinical psychologist has many different roles. Clinical psychologists, on the other hand, are educated to examine people’s mental and

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    Psychology Behind Embracing Spirituality

    Humans have a tendency to give everything meaning in order to comprehend it as well as to comprehend themselves and

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    What is Ombrophobia?

    Ombrophobia, also known as pluviophobia, is an anxiety complaint characterized by an inordinate and illogical fear of rain. People with

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    Intelligence Quotient vs. Emotional Quotient: Definition, Comparison and Variations

    EQ or say Emotional Quotient, refers to someone’s capacity to recognize his/her emotions in relation to the opposite individual’s feelings,

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    Self Help

    Top 10 Exercises to Enhance Emotional Wellbeing

    Exercise is essential for maintaining mental well-being in addition to its benefits for physical fitness. Regular physical activity has been

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    Dehydration Can Be A Root Cause of Mental Disorders

    Numerous alternatives exist for you to improve your physical health by drinking plenty of water. To mention a few advantages,

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