Dr V. P Chandran

Dr V. P Chandran

Counselling Psychologist
  • 1st Badge: 201 Points
    2nd Badge: 1001 Points
    3rd Badge: 10001 Points
    4th Badge: 25001 Points
    5th Badge: 75001 Points
    Points are based on the number of readings, shares, and comments.

Born in the year of 1953 at extreme rural area of Thrissur District. From the childhood itself I have seen the pangs of sufferings, pain, helplessness and frustrations of my family and that of others. Primary and higher secondary education was at the local schools. Then I had been admitted to Nattika Sree Narayana College, under university of Calicut for B. Sc (Botany) course. There I had been attracted by certain plants, modifications in them for survival, attractive flowers in which rich of visuals and the aroma of the flowers which changes the mood of mind. After passing the Degree, I could not join for higher studies because of the family conditions. Keeping the ambitions strongly in mind, I had been to Sultanate of Oman in search of job. There I spent twenty four years in various fields, observing the abilities, disabilities, fortunes, misfortunes, miseries and frustrations of many people, better say the peoples of many countries of separate continents. And after returning to the native place, here too, I noticed the same and understood that many persons are living like dead because of improper thinking and psycho- pathological conditions surrounded by them. The above mentioned matters made me to think about a Counselling centre in which I would try to give emotional rebirth to my clients and their families. For that I started learning again in my forties and achieved Master Degrees in Psychology, English, Sociology, and Criminology. I felt degrees are insufficient; so got adequate training and research in the concerned field.


The Funeral Rituals and its Psychological Effect on Individuals

To a living organism, life is the most important thing which starts at birth and ends with death. In the case of human

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Awareness And Useful Solutions To Psychological Disorders

Thousands of us suffer pangs of pain, frustration, helplessness, and disappointment because of psychological disorders. If the disorder is mild, they bear it

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