Relationships are always an integral part of each and every individual’s life. Relations with your family, friends, colleagues, or in general peers have a great impact on every aspect of our life. Other than these relations one of the most important relationships is with your romantic partner. A romantic partner is the most important after your family, as we wish to start, a beginning with them, and wish to spend our whole lives with them. Every relationship has ups and downs, but when the downs are more like trust issues, not interested in activities together, constant fighting, etc. Leads to a breakup. Like all stages, a breakup is a significant stage that hurts an individual a lot. But if the issues can be sorted out by the couple it can be saved. What are those remedies by which we can save a relationship from breakup?
Before saving the relationship the first thing we need to focus on is the problem. What are the reasons for the breakup?
Common reasons for the breakup
There can be many reasons for a breakup, and these reasons should be communicated by the partners to each other. But according to surveys and information, 10 primary reasons are seen for breakups. And these primary reasons are:
1) Bad behaviors
Bad behaviors like drinking alcohol or smoking, chewing tobacco, and spending money on unnecessary items rather than investing in the future is also common issue.
2) Cheating
Breaking your partner’s trust with their loyalty is a very common reason for breakups. Trust is not a thing that can be built in a day, once broken it is hard to rebuild.
3) Misdirected anger
Venting out your anger on your partner is not correct when the cause of the anger is not the partner. Returning home with a sack of negative energies can worsen a relationship. You can communicate to the partner that the day was very bad, etc.
4) Being unsupportive
People who cannot support you for achieving your goals or when feel low or feel stressed due to some circumstances, then the person is not worth investing your time and effort on them.
5) Toxic people
There are control issues seen in many relationships like your partner does not like you having certain friends and hanging out with them, or controlling your dressing sense, etc. Or even if you have some friends who engage in bad behaviors and disrespect you and your partner can also lead to an issue.
6) Withholding affection and attention
When a partner has been putting effort and shows affection, but the other half is not putting in similar efforts eventually becomes an issue in the relationship. And this affection does not need to be intimate behaviors but just hugging, smiling at each other, etc.
7) Lying
It is okay if you do not admit to doing something which your better half does not approve of. Not agreeing is okay but lying about something is wrong.
8) Stealing
Financial issues are one of the most common reasons for a breakup or divorce. Stealing from your own partner leads to an issue and even trust issue.
9) Giving up
Couples are the ones who are not only there for their partner in their happy times but also are also there for you in your darkest time and help you get out of it. Giving up in this situation is not the solution.
10) Not communicating
Communication is a very important thing with respect to a relationship. Communication is a sign of a good relationship. With the help of communication, the relationship stays good, simple, and plain (Goldsmith, 2018).
Tips to rescue the relationship
There are many ways to save the relationship from breaking up, and the ways are as follows:
1. Be responsible for facing the circumstances as your own fault:
When you have broken the trust of your partner, it is crucial to take responsibility for what you did and understand that your behavior can hurt your partner.
2. Do not let your world just focus on the partner:
When you and your partner are in a long-distance situation, it is necessary to focus on maintaining closeness in the relationship. But your life has many other important aspects too which you need to focus on. To have a happy and healthy relationship it is necessary to be yourself with each other and not just being stuck around each other.
3. Understand the concept of compromising:
In the case when you are living with your partner, you need to be adaptable and accommodating with the individual’s needs and preferences over yours to have a happy and playful environment in the house.
4. Engage in physical contact with affection:
Being affectionate to your partner like hugging them has proven to help reduce stress and enhance your mood. As showing affection to your partner releases hormones like oxytocin.
5. Do not just focus on romance:
Focus on having a meaningful and satisfying relationship rather than just focusing on the deep intimacy levels of the relationship.
6. Have effective communication:
Communicating and conveying your feelings, issues, and other things with your partner are necessary. Sitting together and communicating with each other can solve problems arising in the relationship rather than having an argument.
7. Actively listen to the partner:
Actively listening to your partner is important in case of an argument between the two. The issues faced by the partner and the problems the partner is regarding anything should be heard in order to avoid unnecessary arguments and misunderstandings.
8. Have radical transparency within the two:
Be transparent about everything. If you have broken the trust of your partner, maintain honesty and be transparent about the situations in life, etc. (Lamothe, 2021)
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