The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction

"What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create" 
- Buddha

Do you ever thought to not get into traffic? But end up getting stuck. Do you think manifestations do exist? Do you believe thoughts become reality? Then we have something for you, let’s delve deep into something called Law of Attraction (LoA). 

Law of Attraction is the ideology that our thinking leads to reality. Our mind is like a farming  field, what we sow, we reap. Positive thoughts yield positive outcomes and negative thoughts yield negative outcomes. It is not a magic to make it happen in a second, but rather it directs us in the path to reach what we dreamt to achieve. This law applies in every area of life including health,  job, education and relationships. 

You may get a question in mind right! If I think I want to become an entrepreneur in a day, will it happen? Whether the law of attraction works? No, it doesn’t work in that way. Law of Attraction isn’t a magical thing to give instantly what we need. It is Aladdin’s Genie; it works on the command but with a delay. Thinking alone won’t get you there. We should work on it. Law of Attraction works on the core philosophy of “We create, our own reality.” 

Law of Attraction isn’t a very new topic. It was used way back during the 19th century as “New  thought”. 

If you think of owning a car. The Law of Attraction doesn’t mean asking or thinking positively and having good sleep, waking up in the morning, oh! Where is the car I asked for? We should  work for it. It’s like saying I’m not writing exam today because I asked God to get me pass mark. 

In Law of Attraction, both positivity and perseverance go hand in hand. Law of Attraction takes us in the path towards the goal. We should walk through it, though it may not be a cakewalk. Sitting simply and dreaming or admiring how beautiful! If I achieve the goal. It doesn’t work that way. We need to focus on what’s full rather than how much empty. We have to work with that optimistic attitude. 

By focusing on changing your self-talk, it changes the way we look life and it takes away the negative patterns of thinking and bring in good thoughts. By breaking the negative thought pattern, we can see one good thing leads to another and it shifts the whole of our life pattern.

The Law of Attraction works whether you understand it or not, just like electricity—you may not fully grasp it, but you still benefit from it. Your thoughts shape your reality, and positive thoughts are far more powerful than negative ones. It takes many negative thoughts to create negativity in life, whereas a single strong positive thought can bring positive change.

Principles in Law of Attraction 

1. The present is always perfect 

The present always holds the possibility of good things, but negativity or unhappiness can overshadow them. To make the most of the moment, focus on letting go of negativity and finding ways to improve the present.

2. Nature abhors vacuum 

The Law of Attraction suggests that removing negative thoughts creates space for positive ones. That’s why it’s important to control unnecessary negativity. Studies show that we have around 70,000 thoughts daily, with 80% being negative and unnecessary. Since 90% of our thoughts are repetitive, breaking this pattern can be challenging but essential for a positive mindset.

3. Like attracts like 

It suggests that alike things get attracted to each other. It is evident in relationship also,  where people get attracted to the other person with similar thinking pattern or one who  matches with their wavelength. Even in friendship, we become friends with like minded people. In similar way it works with your thoughts also. Negative thinking attracts negative experiences and vice versa. 

4. Thoughts become things 

Law of Attraction provides services 24*7. LOL! It pays attention to whatever you think. Whether you’re thinking of the past and worrying or you’re thinking about the future and getting afraid, the Law of Attraction works irrespective of it. It doesn’t have pause or stop button. So be mindful about what you’re asking. 

Ways to practice Law of Attraction 

  1. Journaling: Writing down your thoughts can help in keeping track and avoid the unnecessary negative thoughts. This helps in changing or getting rid of the negative thoughts. 
  2. Keep track on mood: Maintaining a mood chart helps to maintain positive mindset, stay focused and motivated.
  3. Foster acceptance: Accepting things in present as how they are, help us avoid dwelling into the negative thoughts and saves time we spend to think of changing the incident or balancing self or others over the things. 
  4. Positive self-talk: It has much to do with the positive attitude and success. Research on optimism says that optimists tend to be more successful, have better health and experience more happiness. And thus, help them to concentrate their thoughts on success  and prevent overindulgence on failures. We can also find that some therapies impose more on having optimistic thoughts like Cognitive Behavior Therapy  (CBT). 
  5. Visualization: Visualization means the practice of having a clear mental image on what you want to achieve (Goal). 
Steps in Visualization 
  • Be clear on what you wish for. 
  • Imagine the sights, smells, sounds, taste and texture towards the desired  goal. 
  • As you visualize feel the emotions that you will feel once you achieve the desired goal. 
  • Make it consistent. Do it regularly with great intention and focus.

“If you see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand.”

Things to be avoided while practicing Law of Attraction 

  • Being optimistic alone doesn’t make you achieve goal. It’s your  behavior that helps to bring out positive changes. 
 “Ask, Believe and Receive” 
  • Don’t think what you don’t want. Some people think what they don’t want to occur but they end up getting so. Law of Attraction doesn’t know  to perceive things as good or bad and either you want it or you don’t need it. It doesn’t know to understand any negations like don’t, not and  no. 

Example: If you think, I don’t want to miss this bus. The Law of  Attraction comprehends it as I want to miss the bus.

Several psychology concepts come into play in Law of Attraction. 

1. Self-fulfilling prophecy  

When you think negatively, “I will not succeed in this competition”. The times you didn’t succeed in things, your brain takes it as a proof of that thought. It makes us focus on the hurdles rather than the opportunities and it similarly works for positive thinking  also. 

2. Baader-Meinhof phenomenon 

It is also known as frequency illusion. It’s a kind of cognitive bias, in which the person tends to notice a specific concept or word more frequently after becoming aware of it in recent times. If suppose you thought of becoming a content writer in recent times, you might notice often the things related to content writing. Though the frequency in real shows no change. The truth is that our tendency to identify things related to it increases. That’s how we attract what we think. 

3. Mood thought cycle 

When you’re in positive mood, all the positive thoughts will come to mind. You start enjoy things that happen. Positive thinking brings in creativity, resilience and decision-making. If you’re in negative mood, the bad things to worst situation that ever happened to you pop up in mind. Even though you get an opportunity you may end up getting nothing. Because you may fail in finding the possible ways. Here, our hormones also play a role in regulating our thought. 

When you think of the things that you want and focus on them with all your intention. Then the Law of Attraction will give you what you longed for. 
References +
  • Scott, E., PhD. (2024, January 30). Understanding the law of attraction. Verywell  Mind. 3144808 
  • Conversano, C., Rotondo, A., Lensi, E., Della Vista, O., Arpone, F., & Reda, M. A.  (2010). Optimism and its impact on Mental and Physical Well-Being. Clinical Practice  and Epidemiology in Mental Health, 6(1), 25–29. 
  • Byrne, Rhonda;Secret (2006) 
  • Wikipedia contributors. (2025, January 28). Frequency illusion. Wikipedia.

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