Teenagers and Socio-emotional skills
Awareness Parenting

Teenagers and Socio-emotional skills


Heard about a teenager having the ‘I don’t give a damn just leave me alone’ attitude? Seen a teenager indulging in smoking and drinking irresponsibly while cribbing about life? Met a parent who is struggling to manage a terrible teen’s behaviour? Worried about their future?

Congratulations you have identified a major issue that needs immediate attention! Adolescence is a period between childhood and adulthood, it starts at 13 and ends at 19 years and we undergo many physical and emotional changes during this time. We have heard that during teenage years people become irritable, annoyed, and like to be alone and try to figure out an identity for themselves. Parents and other family members become enemies in this age group because they don’t want to be corrected and guided all the time.

Read More: Boosting Self-Esteem in Teenagers

One day, I met a teenager who complained of getting bored the whole day, ‘there is nothing good about life’ she said! ‘I don’t like to do anything, nothing appeals to me’ she added. I asked her mother what was up with her and how long she saying such things. Her mother smiled and said ‘Terrible teens, you know’. I said ‘No, it is not just that!’ I inquired about her schedule and the mother said, she goes to school and after school, she is in her room with her mobile phone. She likes to be by herself and does not interact much. Sometimes she skips dinner too and stays up late in the night. She is quite aggressive and social events with her are a nightmare!

No doubt today’s generation is very smart and talented but with a lack of purpose in life, they are going nowhere.

Social media, smoking and alcohol, and misbehaviour are not fostering their talents and smartness! Moreover, lack of social and emotional skills is leading them towards mental health problems and eventually self-harm! Do you know? that in 2019, the age groups  18–30 and 30–45 years accounted for 35.1% and 31.8% of suicides in India. The top reasons were family problems, drug abuse and alcohol abuse. 

Read More: Suicide Awareness: Unveiling the Truth

Teenagers have a dire need for emotional regulation; they need to understand and practice how to manage their difficult emotions. They need healthy relationships with those around them! They need to stop being the slaves of their mobile phones and start being the masters of their lives. They need to have a healthy lifestyle and a productive routine. They need to master the skills of problem-solving and decision-making. They need to interact with others, help others and do something worthwhile with their life.

The question now is how are they going to achieve this mastery. We as parents, educators, counsellors and policymakers will make this happen. We will make this world an interesting place for them. We will model for them, listen to them and create environments of change. It is our responsibility to create healthy homes, better schools and learning communities, teach them values, spend time with them and help them have a purpose in life. These teenagers today are young adults tomorrow, they are the future leaders. We will make sure that we have the just right parenting, just right schooling, just right interactions and just-right support. Are you ready to work on this problem? If yes, now is the time to take a step ahead and do your bit. Let’s preserve our precious ones

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