Boosting Self-Esteem in Teenagers
Awareness Self Help

Boosting Self-Esteem in Teenagers


Your subjective perception of your overall value or worth is known as your self-esteem. It expresses your degree of confidence in your skills and qualities, much like self-respect does. A strong sense of self-worth can improve your motivation, emotional stability, and general quality of life. On the other hand, very high or low self-esteem might be harmful. Gaining a deeper comprehension of your individual self-esteem level might assist you in finding the ideal balance.

Key elements of self-esteem include:

  • Self-confidence
  • Feelings of security
  • Identity
  • Sense of belonging
  • Feeling of competence

Other phrases like self-worth, self-regard, and self-respect are sometimes used synonymously with self-esteem.

Boosting Self-Esteem of Teenagers

There’s more to teaching an adolescent how to be confident than just knowing how to say the right compliments. It’s about setting an example, giving them a platform to express their thoughts, and promoting assertiveness. An adolescent with strong self-worth and self-esteem grows into a self-assured adult ready to follow their ambitions. Early encouragement of teen self-confidence is crucial for your child’s future. Naturally, advice on teenage self-confidence needs to be weighed against your child’s uniqueness and personality. To determine which of these strategies works best, you might need to test a couple of them.

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  1. The finest reward is positive attention: One error parents make is to overlook their child’s effort. This is easy to overlook when you are rushing to get dinner ready after work. The times it: One minute could be sufficient to go over a worksheet, appreciate an image, or ask a question regarding an exam.
  2. Give the method credit rather than the outcome: When a youngster presents you with a block tower that they have spent some time building, the parent ought to commend them by saying something like, “Look at the effort you put into that!” “Well done,” as opposed to “What a stunning tower.” When a child takes homework home, the same rules ought to hold.
  3. Seek out incentives that strengthen positive conduct: Make sure your youngster is truly interested in visiting the zoo before offering them a special reward like a vacation there. Rewards for good behaviour should always be unique to the child and have significance for them. The importance of the incentive to the youngster outweighs the parent’s valuation of it.
  4. Gradually change how often incentives are offered: According to studies, if parents gradually increase the frequency at which they offer rewards for positive behaviour, their child is more likely to repeat the behaviour in the future without receiving any reinforcement at all. Motivating oneself is the aim.
  5. Break down large objectives into smaller assignments: One smart way to promote positive behaviour is to break down big goals into smaller tasks and give rewards for completing smaller ones. For instance, some young children may find learning how to dress themselves intimidating. Let them practice putting on underwear first so they can become proficient at this new ability. Work on pants after a couple of days. Next, a shirt.  Give them praise for each step they take, and soon they’ll be dressing themselves.

Read More: Building Bridges: Nurturing Open Communication with Your Teenager

Navigating body Image Issues: Addressing and supporting healthy body image 

An individual’s emotional attitudes, beliefs, and impressions about their own body are referred to as their body image. Experts characterize it as a complex emotional experience.

  • Fostering a positive body image in kids and teens at home: Parents should aim to – model positive behaviour around body image, praise their children on qualities unrelated to physical appearance, support their children in expressing emotions and communicating their feelings about their bodies, and assist their children in developing coping mechanisms for when they receive comments about their appearance, according to a study that sought expert consensus on how parents can support healthy body image and eating habits.

Read More: 8 Ways to Deal with Body Image Issues

  • Promoting positive body image in kids and teens in schools: A review of the literature revealed some evidence in favour of classroom-based body image programs that tackle peer pressure, media literacy, and self-esteem; however, few studies demonstrated long-term effects when the programs were examined. 
  • Encouraging children and young people to have positive body images in the media: Teens taking part in a peer-led program about youth mental health and wellbeing have suggested that, to address the media’s and social media’s influence, we should: give parents tools to support their children online in a way that strikes a balance between independence and safety; and push social media companies to allow users to hide comments, likes, and followers.

Read more: From Comfort to Compulsion: Decoding the Secrets of Emotional Eating

  • Supporting body image across long-term conditions and disabilities: Research supports the use of cognitive-behavioural therapy and psychotherapeutic interventions, as well as some support for educational strategies aimed at enhancing body image in cancer patients, for people with chronic physical illnesses like the disease. 
  • Promoting positive body images among cultures and ethnic groups: Strong self-identity and ties to one’s culture may shield minority ethnic individuals from negative body image pressures. This would facilitate our comprehension of the efficacy of these therapies for various populations.

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  • Promoting positive body image among LGBT people: Assistance for the LGBT community should be individualized for each group. It would be beneficial to have a more comprehensive approach to body image that considers its psychological and social components.

Fostering Self–expression in a Judgement-free zone

Giving kids lots of chances to express themselves is another way to support their uniqueness. This can be accomplished via artistic, musical, dramatic, dance, writing, and sporting endeavours.

Children can discover and develop their special abilities and let their genuine selves shine by participating in activities that align with their interests and passions. In addition, encouraging youngsters to express themselves helps them learn to communicate effectively. Through articulating their views and opinions, people develop deep relationships with both peers and non-peers.

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Improving our relationships and mental health is directly correlated with reducing our judgment of other people. Making a judgment always has more to do with you and your advantages and disadvantages than it does with the other person. You judge yourself as inferior when you think someone else is better than you. Additionally, dwelling on those criticisms may worsen depressive and anxious feelings.

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