Search Results for : sleep

First Half Sleep Essential as it Resets Brain for New Learning: Study Finds

Does hard work with sleepless nights really work? Recent research showed why sleep is necessary for learning capabilities and how effective is nap time. The first half of our sleep gives the rest of our brain synapse deserves. Synaptic Homeostasis


Top 7 Tips for Safe Baby Sleep Every Parent Should Know

Parenting is a wondrous journey filled with love and care, yet it can also bring confusion and worry, especially when it comes to ensuring our baby’s safety, particularly during sleep. Every parent strives to provide the best for their child,


Understanding the Neurobiology of Sleep: Brain Function, Sleep Stages, and Impact on Mental Health

An average human being spends one-third of their day sleeping as sleep is the most important part of daily routine, just like eating food or drinking water. Sleep provides energy to keep going throughout the day; good quality sleep means


The 5 Stages of Sleep Cycle

You must have heard that our mind never seems to stop working, even when we are sleeping. Have you wondered what our brain does when we are asleep? What is taking place inside our heads when we dream? Are we

Awareness Self Help

15 proven Tips for Better Sleep Hygiene

The concept of sleep hygiene first caught on when Peter J. Hauri coined the term in 1977 whilst formulating a set of rules to achieve better sleep. Good sleep hygiene can lead to many psychological, physical, and behavioural benefits. Some


The science of sleep: what goes on in your brain when you sleep?

Everyone requires sleep, yet its biological purpose remains unknown. Sleep influences practically every tissue and system in the body, including the brain, heart, and lungs, as well as metabolism, immunological function, mood, and disease resistance. According to research, prolonged sleep


Weather Wonders: How the Elements Shape Your Mood and Sleep

Weather is the atmospheric phenomenon that envelops the whole earth. It is the ongoing story of the Earth’s atmosphere, revealing its head through elements such as temperature, humidity, wind, and precipitation. In simple terms, weather is the atmospheric condition at

News Research

Sleep Disturbance can affect brain functioning and mental health

If an individual does not sleep well and have signs and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), it could impact the brain’s ability to think. A recent report on it says that approximately one of ten people in India is

Life Style

Lack of sleep reduces happiness and increases anxiety: Study

Being sleep-deprived causes more than simply fatigue. It can impair our ability to regulate our emotions, lower our happiness, and increase our vulnerability to signs of anxiety, based on a review of over 50 years of data on the relationship


Sleep breathing affects memory processing: Research

Researchers between breathing, memory, and the appearance of specific brain activity patterns have found a connection when an individual sleeps. Researchers at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat (LMU) Munchen, the University of Oxford, and the Max Plank Institute for Human Development have studied the