Search Results for : parenting

7 Warning Signs of Bad Parenting

Being a parent is a difficult job that calls for a lot of effort, tolerance, and love. While every parent wants the best for their child, there are times when they may unknowingly exhibit signs of bad parenting. The emotional,


Emotionally Qualitative Parenting

Parenting is tough. It’s demanding, exhausting, confusing yet fulfilling. From the moment a tiny life enters the world of two connected individuals, their identity changes. From then on, it’s about another complex role that they need to carry out in


Parenting styles and socio-emotional development of children?

Attachment, an emotional bond that connects individuals, is the most researched topic evolutionarily and developmentally. It has fascinated several academicians, psychologists’ especially developmental and cultural psychologists for ages due to its dynamic nature of forming the foundation for a person’s


Role of parenting in Childhood Anxiety

“Why have you not finished your breakfast yet?” asked Shobha irritably to her 7-year-old daughter, Keya. The kid had her online classes scheduled in the next 15 minutes and Shobha was after the kid to get ready. “Mom, I told


7 types of parenting styles you must know

The initial years of a child have a great impact on their life, whether it is the child’s academic performance or future relationships, personality or psyche, parenting has a key role to play in all of it. Let’s have a


Enjoy parenting a teenager while creating a confident individual

Teen is an age, when a child starts developing or carving their own separate identity along with their other physical and hormonal changes. This separate identity becomes a crisis issue for those parents who takes their children as their own


Mindful Parenting

Mindfulness is the quality of being aware of what is happening in the present moment. That sounds simple, but for most parents life is no less than a roller coaster ride- always running and worrying about what to do next,


4 Interesting Psychology Research Paper Topics

Psychology covers an impressively broad array of fascinating topics, spanning motivation and cognitive biases to social media’s impact on mental health. Additional fields include stress reduction techniques, emotion’s effect on judgment, and practical applications of psychological theories. more psychology topics


Sharenting or Over-Sharing? Navigating Parenthood in the Social Media Era

Parents who share their children’s every moment are also sharing their children’s futures—be mindful of what you post. Parenting has evolved in the digital age when social media dominates communication. “Sharenting,” a growing practice, refers to parents sharing images, videos,


Is Psychology a Science?

Psychology is a captivating area of study that many of us are curious to explore. But have you ever wondered if it is a scientific discipline and why it is sometimes referred to as social science?  It is considered as