Search Results for : Trauma

Are you having negative thoughts about your partner?

The fear of past experiences overshadows the pleasant feelings of present moment. Sometimes, we’ve been treated in such a manner in our childhood, be it by our parents, siblings or relatives or a partner that we carry the setback for


Portrayal of Learning Disability in Cinema

An eight year old, wandering on streets, trying to catch fishes in his water bottle, befriending dogs and playing with kites. His world is filled with wonders; colours, dogs fishes. While trying to solve tables, his imagination sees war of


Abusive Relationships

Relationship abuse can be defined as a forceful behavior that are used to maintain power and control over the former or current partner causing physical, sexual or psychological harm. Abuse can be emotional , financial, sexual ,physical and include threats


PTSD in Afghanistan

In west, only war veterans are believed to be victims of PTSD, but in Afghanistan it is totally a different scenario resulting from 40 years of war. Unfortunately it starts with child abuse, teenage marriages, laboring in early ages, bombing


How to prevent a relationship from getting Toxic

Humans are social beings by nature and therefore “relationships” for them become pertinent. It is not only essential to make a relationship but it is vital to keep them smooth and sustaining. Relationships can give the utmost happiness and it

Self Help

Developing Self Concept

Self-Concept as defined is the totality of beliefs, preferences, opinions and attitudes organized in a systematic manner, towards one’s personal existence. In other words, it is how we evaluate ourselves which determines how we think, behave and act out our


Child Trafficking

According to the Childline India Foundation, the third most profitable industry in the world is Human Trafficking, and Child Trafficking is rampant in countries irrespective of their development. According to UNICEF, it involves recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring or receiving child


Children of Divorce

Divorce, the dissolution of marriage, is an event characterized by disappointment and the shattering of dreams and expectations of a couple. A significant change in their lives, a divorce involves emotional, legal, financial and parental aspects that require a shift


Need for Psychologists in the Maritime Industry

From counselling, training to psychometrics; there is a great need for psychologists and mental health professionals to involve in the marine industry. Almost all the countries live import some of its basic requirements for its day to day living. Grains,


Postpartum Depression: Blissful Motherhood to Nightmare

Becoming a mother is a dream of almost every woman, this good news brings happiness in their lives but motherhood is not blissful for every new born mother. As sometimes, it comes along with many unwanted difficulties. Postpartum depression (PPD)