Search Results for : stress
Awareness Health

It’s okay not to be okay!

As we all know, by the past four to five months, the entire globe is on pause because of the COVID-19 pandemic. People have diverse experiences to share during this outbreak. Everyone’s life is affected in some way or the



Recreational activities have been on a rise since the beginning of a country wide lockdown and the diversity is beautiful. People have found their interests in various activities like cooking, painting, fitness, reading, DIY home décor and so much more.

Education Health

Are children prepared to cope with COVID-19

As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to multiply in India and worldwide, one thing is clear, that the current situation proved to have a profound impact not only on the physical health and economic condition but also on psychological

Health Motivation

Covid-19: Uncertainty and Vigorous Mind: A Research Review

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” H.P. Lovecraft The unknown novel corona virus is the biggest enemy which has engulfed the world with its


Parental Neglect and its effects on Children

Parental Neglect is an extremely serious concept as the consequences it carries are and can be very damaging such as those compared to child sexual abuse, rape etc. It can also be very harmful as it directly affects the well-being


Divorce and its psychological Impact

Divorce can take a heavy psychological toll on the children experiencing it. And it’s very important to see it from the perspective of a child as it is a part and parcel of their parent’s relationship. Therefore, family structure plays

Awareness Self Help

Tips to improve quality of sleep: sleep hygiene

When was the last time you had difficulty falling asleep? Or difficulty staying asleep? Have you ever woken up too often during the same night resulting in you being tired the next day? What do you think is the reason



“The purpose of psychotherapy is to set people free”. Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is a way to help people with a broad variety of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties. It can help eliminate or control troubling symptoms so a person


Psychology For a Layman’s Perspective

“You are a psychology student, right? So, you can read my mind and know what I am thinking!” “Oh, yes not only can I read minds but also fly with my angel wings and move objects with my mind!” Here’s


Real self and Virtual Self

With the advent of technology, we do possess a virtual self. The bigger question remains Is there a discrepancy between the real and virtual self? Since, it is a virtual platform there is a certain way we present ourselves. This