Recruitment for Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatric Social Worker: IHBAS
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Recruitment for Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatric Social Worker: IHBAS

The Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences (IHBAS) was set up in 1993 and is one of the leaders in the country dedicated to mental health, neurosciences, behavioural, and allied sciences.
Centre of Excellence (COE, IHBAS) in the field of Mental Health was commenced with the intention of upgrading existing mental health institutes and hospitals in order to strengthen the workforce gap and mental health care facilities in the long run.
IHBAS has opened up the vacancy for posts of Clinical Psychologist and Psychiatric Social Worker. A total number of 19 posts are available for clinical psychologists of which 11 are under IHBAS and 08 under centre of excellence of IHBAS. For psychiatric social workers the total seats are 12, out of which 08 are under IHBAS and 04 for centre of excellence of IHBAS.
Out of the total seats for clinical psychologists under IHBAS, 02 posts are for unreserved (UR), 03 for scheduled caste (SC), 01 for scheduled tribe (ST), 04 for other backward class (OBC), and 01 for economically weaker sections (EWS). Center of excellence of IHBAS offers 05 seats for unreserved, 01 for ST, and 02 for OBC.
For the post of psychiatric social worker under IHBAS, 03 seats are for UR, 01 for SC, 01 for ST, and 03 for OBC. Out of 04 seats under Center of Excellence for IHBAS 03 are for UR and 01 for OBC.
04 seats out of total 31 posts are reserved for PwD (person with disabilities).
Pay Matrix Level 10 for both the posts is Rs. 56100 – Rs. 177500 along with other admissible allowance on tenure basis initially for one year and extended up to three years.

Eligibility Criteria
The qualification for clinical psychologist is a Master degree in Psychology and M.Phil. in Clinical Psychology (recognised by Rehabilitation Council of India). For Psychiatric Social Worker, the qualification includes Master degree in Sociology or Social Work and M.Phil. in Psychiatric Social Work. The criteria for age is 35 years as on the last date of receipt of application.

Other Important Information
The fee for application form is Rs. 1000 and has to be enclosed in a demand draft in favour of the Director, IHBAS, Delhi. The fee structure is not applicable for SC/ST/PwD candidates.
ST/SC/OBC/PwD should have a valid certificate, however for OBC, the certification needs to be issued by the Authority of government of NCT, Delhi. The upper age limit for SC, ST, OBC, and PwD is relaxable.
Candidates preference for applying to IHBAS or CEO or for both should be mentioned in the application form. The last date for form submission is on or before 14.02.2023.
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