Job opening for a research project at Ambedkar University

Job opening for a research project at Ambedkar University


The School of Vocational Studies (SVS), at Ambedkar University, has put on an advertisement for the job roles of Research Associate and Field Investigator for a project being funded by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). The research project is on the topic “A Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on Skill Development Programmes across Social Groups”.

The university is looking for someone who can lead the research project as a Research Associate. This person will be responsible for organizing data, interpreting, and conducting the research. The job duration is for 8 months and a consolidated monthly emolument of Rs. 20,000/- remuneration will be provided. No other allowances are admissible, except travel allowances during the field visits as per the University rules. The candidate should not be more than 35 years of age.
He or she must have:

1) Acquired 55% of marks in Post Graduate degree in the subject areas of Education/Psychology/ Sociology/ Gender Studies and allied social science disciplines.
2) They must have qualified NET/M.Phil/Ph. D in the relevant subject.
3) The person should have sound knowledge of working with the computers, such as proficiency in MS Word, Excel. Powerpoint, ERP handling, etc.

If the candidate has any experience working on a research project in the skill development sector it will be an added advantage.

The second job post they are looking for is that of a Field Investigator. This individual will be responsible for visiting the locations, surveying, and collecting information. The job duration for this post is 5 months and for this, a monthly remuneration of Rs. 15,000/- will be provided. No other allowances will be given except travel allowances during field visits as per the University rules shall be provided. The candidate they are looking for should not be more than 30 years of age and he or she must have

55% marks in Post Graduate degree in any of the disciplines of social sciences. However, preference will be given to the disciplines of Education/Psychology/Sociology/Gender Studies and allied social science disciplines.

If the person has sound knowledge of working with the computers, such as proficiency in MS Word, Excel. Powerpoint, ERP handling, etc. he or she will be preferred over others.

There is an application form that needs to be filled out by whoever is interested. All the applications along with the essential certificates mentioned in the form should be mailed to There is no fee for applying for the job posts. For any further information regarding the job, candidates can write to The Dean, of the School of Vocational Studies (email: The last date to submit the application form is 27th January 2023.


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