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Awareness, Health The Psychology of Sadism November 2, 2024 Awareness, Health Psychologist’s Insights on Hypervigilance: Causes, Symptoms, and November 1, 2024 Health The Long-Term Effects of Untreated Mental Illness November 1, 2024 Awareness, Health Cyberchondria: Why You Should Take a


Why Generation Gap conflict Does Neighborhood Influence Epilepsy Being A Man Too Groove Your Way to Charisma: The power to Imposter Syndrome and Student-Athlete The Psychology of Sleep: E-Health: Use of Technology Sensitive Behavior and its Mental Health Benefits of

Awareness Education Health Therapy

A profound understanding of what is Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)?

In a world where mental health problems are on a continuous rise, the ideal suggestion for one can be self-love. But how do you know that self-love is turning out to be an obsession, and is creating problems for others,


How to make a child feel safe & secure

The word parent not only comes with giving birth to a child but also nurtures that child and raises him with utmost care. Being a parent is the greatest boon or a blessing. Now with this comes parenting, which is

Awareness Health

Social Anxiety Disorder

There are certain instances in life which bring about a major personality change in a person. These instances can make a person anxious especially in social situations or in interaction with people. It is this feeling of extreme anxiety in


Separation Anxiety Disorder

My mother always shares a childhood vignette with me at the time when I first went to school. She shared that I did not cry at all when they took me to school on the first day or for that

Awareness Relationship

Birth Order and Personality

Not many might know that birth order in psychology has a huge significance. The importance of birth order and how it plays a huge role in the personality shaping of an individual was brought forth by Alfred Adler as part

Awareness Education Health Relationship

Verbal Abuse: Why it isn’t a big deal in India?

Verbal Abuse: Why it isn’t a big deal in India?   “The scars you can’t see are the hardest to heal.” – Astrid Alauda “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words they’ll destroy me.”  –   Cassandra Giovanni

Parenting Relationship


Drawing the line between a parent’s discipline of their child and child abuse will depend greatly on the state where the family lives. There are some state’s rules which allow a parent greater latitude in disciplining their child while other

Awareness Health

What is Schizophrenia?

I still remember my internship days done during my post-graduation. There was visible excitement, exchange of ideas, thoughts regarding various disorders but what bound all of us together was the curiosity to hear and understand patients who were suffering from