Search Results for : parenting
Awareness News

Mental Health Awareness Week-2020 | Psychologs Magazine

Psychologs is celebrating the Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 observed from 18 May to 24 May by organizing an e-conclave throughout the week from 4 to 7 pm every day. The conclave will be conducted through live talk and Q&A


The upbringing of the Children

Love that fluctuates is not true love, it is attachment. Love that is constant is god’s love. The responsibility of parents towards children is that of the prime minister to the country or a garden with different flowers becomes beautiful


What effect do Home Atmosphere and Childrearing practices have on the Nursery-school Child’s Personality?

As the child grows and makes further advances in ability and understanding, his interactions with his parents more extensive, more complex, and subtler. By the time the child is in nursery school, parental handling of specific needs such as hunger


Need of psychological services to deal with the rape crisis in India

Rape is not a women’s problem But a men’s issue and it should be dealt with. The prevalence of headlines recording hundreds of rape cases across the country every single day, makes it redundant to mention statistics in order to


Pet Story

I live in Faridabad and there are a lot of monkeys in the area. Many people complained to the authorities about the matter as to steal the food they already had injured 2 people in the area. So, one day


Is love an addiction

Recently came out a much talked movie, and after watching it, one question surely popped, ‘Can you be addicted to a person like drugs? Is this love or is love an addiction’, I felt that movie was an example of


Positive communication style between parents and children

Effective communication begins with listening: – Robert Galety Parents are the first caregiver and love their children unconditionally. It’s joyful to see their children grow and develop into a good being. It is very important for parents to have healthy


What would be the alternatives of punishing the children?

A Counsellor who meet people on a daily basis; while meeting children of age group 3 yrs. to 14 yrs. found that parents came with huge complains after instructed by teachers to meet a counselor: “children are so obstinate today


Conduct Disorder: An Overview

Tara, a four year old, was yelling & screaming and interrupting everyone at dinner table. As her mother scolded her, she picked up the serving spoon and threw it at her mother with all force and hit her- Everyone was


Emotional intimacy with parents and conduct disorder

Whether children do something good or bad, mostly parents are credited to their actions. Therefore, raising a child not only involves feeding the child and giving financial support but also requires emotional intimacy from the parents because how a child