Search Results for : academic performance

Imposter Syndrome and Student-Athlete

Have you ever done something to your best abilities and yet felt like you have not done enough? do you tend to criticize yourself and downplay your efforts constantly? Do you have a tendency to discredit your effort and contributions

Awareness Education

The Origin of Psychological Testing- A Brief History

Any technique used to elicit reactions that human behavior in other situations may be related to is referred to as an “assessment.” Psychological assessment, also known as psychometrics, is the systematic application of tests to characterize psychophysical traits, skills, and


Schools in pune will Get Mental Health Counsellors

Schooling years expose children to a variety of experiences that focus on holistic development. New experiences evoke emotions and feelings that can be overwhelming at times and children might need support to work through those effectively. This is where the

Awareness Health News

Ways To Maintain Your Wellbeing During Exam Season, Right from Self-Love to Seeking Help

The most challenging season for school students is February and March when they are preparing for their annual exams. Their mental health and wellness are significantly impacted by staying up late studying, balancing more classes with additional study, and dealing

Education Health News

Worried about children missing out on SCHOOL?

Is your child complaining about stomach aches regularly or eating too much food but there is no sign of growth in the body? It might be possible that the stomach or intestine of your ward could be infected by a


Counselling in Schools: Who? What? Why?

A student from Grade 2 is observed to be sitting alone during lunchtime by a compassionate teacher, the fifth day in a row. When she addresses this young boy, he starts crying and shares that all his classmates tease him.

Awareness Social

Students’ well-being Knockdown in Lockdown

Have you ever experienced a feeling when a villain role in a movie is stronger than expected and you wait till climax just to see him or her losing but it leaves you devastated when they win over? Now this

Awareness Technology

On Building Smart Culture for Using Smart Phone

It is “easier said than done” to reduce screen time. Implementation fails. Reason? The person, who wants to reduce screen time, does not know how to reduce it.Parents want to regulate and discipline the smart phone use of children. So

Health News Social

How Do Riding Bicycles Benefit Our Mental Health?

“Word Bicycle Day” is celebrated every year on the 3rd of June, to spread awareness about the benefits of cycling on physical and mental well-being. The bicycle riding activity turns out to be a low-impact exercise making it equally fun

Awareness Health News

Organic-Still Panic: Cannabis and its Cognitive Effects

Cannabis is the most widely produced and used illicit drug among humans and it is the third most commonly used controlled substance globally. Its popular use can be attributed to its immediate effect of a pleasant euphoria and a sense