Search Results for : boundaries

What Personal Boundaries Are Needed In A Relationship?

  Personal Boundaries in a relationship Personal boundaries basically means that what kind of behavior you are going to accept from others and what kind of behavior you won’t. It’s generally about the limits which a person put to protect


Importance of Healthy Boundaries in a Relationship

If you want to live an authentic, meaningful life, you need to master the art of disappointing and upsetting others, hurting feelings, and living with the reality that some people just won’t like you. It may not be easy, but


Sustainable relationships require boundaries

“Your personal boundaries protect the inner core of your identity and your right to choices” –Gerard Manley Hopkins A relationship tends to be fruitful only when it contributes to the growth of a better self. For relationships to survive, specific


“Psycho-Dermatology: Mental Health Beyond Boundaries”

Modern clinical psychology correlates with several areas of other sciences. These areas are being reflected by a lot of new research work and new dimensions of practices of medical and paramedical practitioners. Psycho- dermatology is one of those areas, it


10 Subtle Traits of a Narcissistic Personality, According to Psychology

In this modern society, we easily say my manager or He/she is so Narcissistic. Does it really mean the individual is narcissistic? Before labelling someone, let’s see what does the real narcissism look like. What is Narcissism really means?  The

Life Style

10 Signs Your Body Is Responding to Unprocessed Trauma, According to Psychology

Trauma can be understood as a reaction to stressful events that is potent in causing long-term  physical or psychological symptoms. Besides just being a past experience, it carries the ability to  leave a mark on our bodies and minds without

Self Help

10 Signs Your Inner Child Needs Healing

Our inner child encompasses our childhood thoughts, feelings, affairs, and experiences. These are believed to shape our belief systems, behaviors, and emotional responses as conscious adults. When our inner child has been traumatized, or neglected, or when needs remain unfulfilled,

Event News

34th Annual Convention of National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) at CHRIST

The Department of Psychology at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR is hosting the 34th Annual Convention of the National Academy of Psychology based on the theme, “Contemporary Patterns and Future Trajectories in Psychological Sciences: Advancing from Interdisciplinarity to


Sharenting or Over-Sharing? Navigating Parenthood in the Social Media Era

Parents who share their children’s every moment are also sharing their children’s futures—be mindful of what you post. Parenting has evolved in the digital age when social media dominates communication. “Sharenting,” a growing practice, refers to parents sharing images, videos,


Using Social Psychology Principles to Gain Compliance in Rehabilitation

Maya Chandra, a 70-year-old female is recovering from a broken hip, Benita, her Physical Therapist is expressing frustration at the lack of progress she is making in therapy. “Ms Chandra is often refusing to go or participate. She often states