Search Results for : thought

Fear to Resilience: COVID- 19

“No matter how much falls on us, we keep plowing ahead. That’s the only way to keep the roads clear.” Greg Kincaid It is not easy for any of us to witness the world at such a great state of

Awareness Health

Impact of Coronavirus on the person who is suffering from Obsession Compulsion disorder.

Impact of Coronavirus on the person who is suffering from OCD. Before the advent of COVID-19, anxiety disorders already copious as one of the most communal mental health problems worldwide. COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by a newly discovered


Vulnerability in Close relationships

It is important to examine relationships because social relationships are a very significant part of human life. It’s a bidirectional relationship where both the person and the relationship keep on influencing one another in multiple ways. Therefore, closer relationships do


Sleep hygiene amid covid-19

COVID-19 has interfered with our daily lives beyond imagination. We are exposed to looming threats that are demanding our adjustment each day. With increasing pressure and heightened stress and anxiety, many are facing sleep problems or are seeing worsening of

Awareness Education


We’re all psychologists at some level. I mean we do have some experience at life. We’ve had to manipulate, experiment, handle difficult people and we appear to make intuitive decisions that have saved us our time, money and lives. Some


Heart Broken?

“Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.” –Mineko Iwasaki Heartbroken- misunderstood, separated, broken promises, sleepless nights, tearful eyes, the depths of pain- more, much more- a feeling that exceeds its expression

Education Self Help

The Conscious mind: understandings from the exotic east

Our understanding of the mind is heavily based on western literature. Modern academia raises the question of replicability of the major chunk of research in behavioral sciences, most of which were generalized into a global population-based on University student samples,


Grief-An untold tale!!!

“Death ends a life, not a relationship” -Mitch Albom From time to time we have listened to people tell us in times of grief, that though our loved ones are physically gone they are here with us in their soul

Awareness Self Help

Anxiety Management

Do you remember the feeling you experienced right before an important presentation? Or the feeling we experience during an important exam? We all have faced anxiety at some point in our life or the other. It is absolutely normal to


They say it will be okay but when?

Have you ever said ‘Don’t worry everything will be fine’ to someone you care about?Do you say that often to the people who you feel bad for when they go through pain, confusion, accusation? Then you are not helping them.