NIMHANS Offering the Post of Research Associate On a Contractual Basis

NIMHANS Offering the Post of Research Associate On a Contractual Basis


The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) is a multidisciplinary institute for patient treatment and research activities. It is the country’s leading hub for education in mental health and neuroscience. NIMHANS was designated as an “Institute of National Importance” in 2012. NIMHANS is inviting applications for the post of Research Associate on a contractual basis for carrying out the project for the Indian Sweden Healthcare Innovation Centre, (Govt.) funded project entitled “Cross-sectional study to assess the suitability of MODIA’s content in Asian-Indian population” under the supervision of Dr. Prabhat Kumar Chand, Professor of Psychiatry and Centre for Addiction Medicine and P.I.

The Mission of the Project

Making reliable knowledge available to everyone, anywhere, and at any time is the project’s mission. Integrating “collaborative care,” “case-based learning,” and “tele-mentoring.” The goal of the initiative is to create a highly qualified “community of practice” for “Addiction management” champions.
These champions will provide the appropriate care for those with an addiction disorder at the appropriate time and location.

To fill out the Application Form click here:

Application Details:
No. of Post: 1
Educational Qualification:

M.Sc. or M.A. in Clinical Psychology or M.A. in Psychology with a UGC-recognised institution.

Experience Required:
  • 6 months experience in substance use disorder, research study.
  • Knowledge of using SPSS software.
  • Experience in the field of data collection & taking patient interviews.
Maximum Age Limit:

35 years


Rs. 38,000/month

Duration of Project:

6 months, can be extended based on performance.

Last date to apply:

14 September 2023

Instructions for Candidate:
  • Before filling out the form through the link provided, visit the website to understand the mission statement.
  1. It is required that candidates fill out all fields. If a question does not apply to you, kindly put “Not Applicable” in that particular field.
  2. Candidates must submit their Curriculum Vitae (CV) in PDF format, with a maximum file size of 10MB.
  3. The CV that is attached should include the applicant’s photo, postal address, and information on the applicant’s qualifications, as well as the name and contact information of at least two professional references.
  4. DO NOT send any diplomas, letters of recommendation, or other paperwork.
  5. Applications that are in any way incomplete will not be taken into account.
  6. Only applicants who meet the requirements and upload the appropriate file will be contacted for an interview.
  7. Shortlisted candidates for the interview will be communicated through email only.
  8. The detailed application should be submitted through the given link only.

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